Koh Phangan Island Takes a Stand – Halon Super Collider!
We will not sit back and let the world go by any longer! The people of Koh Phangan will fight to make their own place in the world.
Not only Switzerland, France and Germany can make scientific experiments that are world famous.
The foreign business and scientific experiment accociation of Thongsala is going to make a smaller but better and cheaper Halon Super Collider. We will make it faster, more efficient, and more environmentally correct. Our collider won’t heat up like that overpriced piece of cheese in Lucern.

Plus we plan to let the Full Moon Party after crowd have a go around with it when we aren’t crackin halon or other awesome stuff.
To raise awareness for our project we are going to charge every tourists when they get off the boat in Thongsala a mandatory fee of 100 THB only. As well we will make a bucket stand directly at the world famous Full Moon Party called “Koh Phangan Super Bucket Collider Foundation”. The buckets will have a small extra charge that goes directly to the Koh Phangan Halon Super Collider Association.
Once we are finally able to initiate a stable Black Hole we will put Los Angeles in it first. Next will be Ibiza!
So … be informed and also warned and start participating now by submitting generous mandatory donations otherwise your small home town could get sucked in as well.
Koh Phangan Halon Super Collider Association
i dont get what this is all about!! im guessing your pissed off about all the people taking the piss on the island?? if so you have lived there long enough to expect the unexpected and all the corruption, so just get on with it, cos this really isnt going to make a difference is it!!
I think you’re confused. Take a look in the mirror.
Stop taking life so seriously this is only a bit of fun!
Can we also put my boss in the black hole so I can get straight back to KPN please! Sweet.
Becki if your black hole goes anywere near my weed i will be very pissed off..YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ..PS Any chance of sending it ( The black hole that is)to the partys…
he he he why stop at LA swallow up the whole of the states!
Are there going to be a
‘black-hole-party’ ?
Can you suck the first person who made a comment on this thread into the black hole for me!
Oh… And most of the world leaders please Becki, cheers, PATIHAN
Just another quick message to the first poster, Watch the news now and again man 🙂
Becki – Nice to see you lightening the mood a little:) As for all these people contstantly talking about corruption,mafia,young Thais, blah blah blah…Your just jumping on the band wagon!! Get Off!!! 99% of people going to the island wont come into contact with any of it, the small percentage who do.. what are they doing… I’ll tell you – Getting involved in things that dont concern them, if you cant take the heat, get out of the fire and goto Ibiza or something, just stop moaning so much about things you “think” you know about 🙂 PATIHAN
i was lucky enought to live on the island for just on 5 years and only went home in 05 and never had a real problem with any of the locals in all that time
i still miss my nights in the arrow bar where i never availed my self of the ladies but loved the food and the cold beers and my morning coffee in mikes and also yellow cafe with paul. some of the best times ever
i hope to return soon to see all my friends and dont for a min worry about hadrinn and whats happening there, now beccie can i have a go with the super collider please i will put me 20 baht in the meter any time
have fun and still check the site ever damn day to see what hight jinks you are up to
hey becki..,you better put joursellf in the black-hole…. because i heard they are moving the shivamoonparty more closer to your house..!!! this is not a joke… they are moving about 200m torwards your house… ouuu men..,you better start learn to dance with ear-tabs in your bedroom… or maybe start to play trance music..im sure you be a good dj., you can listen to soo muuch music all nights loong..so sure you know whats good ..(smile) give it a try..! i can help you to get a booking then..(smile) mybee you will feel better beeing directly connectet with shivamoonparty.?? what do you think..//??good news?? anarchie pur..!!!! amazing crazy thailand…
Breaking News… Island people need to be warned. Messing with Halon Super Colliders (HSC) can be very dangerous. The first time it was tested on the island a friend of mine went missing! His name is Booming Billy the Kid from Memphis. Some island people may remember him from the Phangan Headband!
It had been earlier reported that people saw him being abducted by aliens that looked like asparagus at the full moon party. Credible sources on the island believe that this is government propaganda to take the focus off the HSC project. A government spokes person denied any involvement in the fabrication of the asparagus aliens. However, the same spokes person did say for the right price he could change the story.
New evidence surfaced at the Republican café in Thongsala today that seems to implicate the HSC project team. An anonymous disgruntled employee from the science team, had said, “Lots of mistakes have been made and Bill is not the only person missing” That employee died mysteriously in bed the same evening. This created many rumours on the internet, but nobody is willing to come forward and say any thing in person.
European scientists are very concerned that the team assembled on Koh Phangan are not qualified to experiment with such potentially hazardous science. It is possible that the entire region could be swallowed up and never to be seen again, said Dr Hitchcock from Oxford University.
An unnamed source told CNN that the US state department have been involved in secret meetings with the head of the HSC team. In an interview in Washington Dr. Condoleezza Rice would not confirm the meetings, but said that they are closely monitoring the situation on Koh Phangan. People in Los Angles have been told that the need not panic. The Governor of California Arnold Shcwarznegar has told citizens that he is there to protect them from any black ass holes that is going to swallow up the jewel of the west coast.
I Just hope that the Aliens paid their 100 bhat fee to the full moon….
I know the scientific crew.
But didn’t know how capebal they are.
Good luck to us all.
And how do I protect myself against a black hole? Any thoughts?
I suggest a few tried and tested ways of protecting yourself from the KPG Black hole.
A) Make yourself a tin foil suit and wear it at ALL times.
B) Tie some rope around your waist and the other end to your house
C) Eat as much chilli and garlic as possible as it is a well known fact Black holes dont like pedmakmak
Good luck
Wear a suit, tied a rope and eat pedmakmak
I’ve heared they’ve turned the machine off now, so no need to worry anymore, KPG is once again safe… Rock on 🙂