General News

Working illegally on Koh Phangan – foreigners arrested for operating a daycare facility and a wakeboarding service centre

Several foreigners were arrested on Wednesday for allegedly operating a daycare facility and a wakeboarding service centre on Koh Phangan.

Tourist police reported that a 26-year-old Russian woman and a Myanmar woman, 18, were arrested at a house while receiving foreign children for daycare.

The Russian woman admitted to police that she had worked at the facility for three months and was staying in the country on a tourist visa. The Myanmar woman said she had been working there as a helper for over a year. Both women said they were employed by a Belarusian woman, whom the police are currently tracking down.

Police also raided Back & Forth Wake Park, which offers wakeboarding services on the southern tourist island. A Russian man was arrested for illegally operating the shop, which opened in December last year. He was also in the country on a tourist visa.

During the raid, the Russian was found hiring a Ukrainian man and a Moldovan man to build restrooms at the facility.

The four foreigners were charged with illegal employment, except for the Myanmar woman, who was charged with failing to report her employment and workplace.

Read the full story at Bangkok Post – Koh Phangan foreigners arrested for working illegally which was brought to us by Google Alerts.

Photo credit @ Bangkok Post Surat Thani police – Tourist police pose with the Russian woman, seated, who was arrested on Koh Phangan, Surat Thani, on Wednesday.

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