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Working illegally on Koh Phangan – Russian man arrested for running motorbike rental shop

A Russian man was arrested for running a motorcycle rental business on the tourist island of Koh Phangan. He was also found to have overstayed his visa, says police.

Tourist police and local officials apprehended Denis Chervenko, 42, on Tuesday at Pooltrap Village Bungalow in tambon Ban Tai. Seized from him were five motorcycles, said Noppadol Khaomali, chief of Koh Phangan district.

According to Mr Noppadol, local officials received a complaint that Mr Chervenko had been running the business despite not having a work permit. The business was advertised on the social media platform Telegram.

After investigators confirmed the identity of the social media user advertising the business, a member of the arresting team then posted as a potential customer to inquire online about bike rental fees.

The fees were 2,800 baht per week plus the deposit of 3,500 baht per motorcycle. A two-week rental was 2,100 baht a week.

Under questioning, Mr Chervenko admitted he was in the country illegally and earned his living by running the motorcycle rental business.

He was charged with working without a work permit and overstaying his visa by 175 days.

The arrest followed the apprehension last month of a Swiss man who had run a barber shop for nine years on Koh Phangan. Barbering is an occupation reserved for Thai nationals under the law.

Police seize five motorcycles from the motorcycle rental business operated by a Russian man arrested on Koh Phangan.

Read the full story at Bangkok Post – Russian arrested for running motorcycle rental on Koh Phangan which was brought to us by Google Alerts.

Photo credit @ Bangkok Post

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