Full Moon Party

Warning! Full Moon Party Koh Phangan Island

Full Moon Party Warning
Full Moon Party Warning

The extent to which the island is increasing in numbers of tourists is a warning to all those who love to vacation there.

With such an influx of local thai & foreign people opening up new businesses attracts the criminal element as well as those whose ambitions fall short of any ethical conduct. A general warning goes out to all the full moon party goers on Koh Phangan Island!

Safe guard your valuables ( a treasure map may be better than leaving them in your bungalow), and be careful what you ingest and where you buy it. Violence is not uncommon in the past and with greater numbers the probability of more violence increases. The violence in the south is one solid indicator.

Perhaps the full moon party on Koh Phangan Island is not the best place to be?

7 thoughts on “Warning! Full Moon Party Koh Phangan Island

  • Tortoisebob

    Sad that possibly the best party in the world seems to be in self destruct mode. From a friendly paradise party to violence, theiving and terrorism.

    RIP: The Original FMP!

    • Well Pete I take my hat off to you for posting a story! Even a negative one I consider it a positive achievement. The full moon gig has been in down turn since the millennium. Haad Rin is a nightmare and needs some thing to give it a lift. The population is too large for the infrastructure and with tsunami you can expect increased numbers for few years. The violence and rip off’s and taxi mafia are the biggest problems at present. Koh Phangan is still a cool little island paradise and you can avoid the problems if you’re not into the party scene. With that said you need to be on the lookout for some of the Phangan lunatics, like Beckman and his merry clan. Cheers Glyn

    • Terrorism? I’ll agree with the violence and theiving but terrorism.
      That’s over doing it. Phangan is a great island and the locals are wonderful. Had Rin has the least bit of local people on the island, but there are plenty of good folks there as well. The party does tend to attract a bad crowd, it’s too bad.

      • Tortoisebob

        The Pha ngan locals are brilliant and lovely people and I do love the island completely!… But at the full moon party in april the jungle drums brought talk that one of Thailands wanted terorrists from the south was caught at Surrat Thani with weapons in his car on his way over. And There were two Navy Cutters off Had Rin bay and a lot of talk or bombs!! Sadly it could happen and it doesn’t even have to come from the Thai’s it could unfortunatly come from anywhere these days.

    • erm… its hardly the best party in the world!!! its a dump! i had better times in london or new york clubs,, (its safer, drugs are safer, better music).. in hadrim, the people chuck beer bottle on the beach, the loud constant music f*cks-up the environment and local animals/insects/plants (studies into loud noise on animals/plants confirm this).
      i have seen many fights in the parties,, (especially with LOCAL fu*cked-up thai people with idiot foreigners).
      there is no security to stop a fight.

      its a fun party, yes, I agree. but its far far far from one of the worlds best places to be.

      when you see a 60 year old man looking painfully sick, dancing away on an ‘e’, you know its not a good place. shame how some people are ‘stuk’ in their 20’s (even though they are 40 or 50!!)

      sure,, goto the party and have a blast.
      just take care of yourselves and take care of the island you are on and local wildlife etc.

      joe blow

  • Pete are you starting your own private revolt against the Full Moon Party? Do you live on the Island? Just wondering

  • phanganisland

    Don’t mix up the whole island with Haad Rin. The Full Moon Party was never a complety safe place, but beside this the rest of the island is pretty much normal in terms of crimminality.

    I could not image myself doing ‘vaccation’ in Haad Rin … but the rest of the island is perfect for this.



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