Strange Sand Transports from Koh Phangan to Koh Samui Island
As our uncensored and uncorrupted team of reporters from Koh Phangan Island News is never sleeping and always on the hunt for newest gossip on this island we provide you with the latest news about this lovely island called Koh Phangan.
Sand … well … What is so interesting about sand? What is so interesting about normal average sand that makes us have some strange thoughts when observing strange activities? A couple of days ago at dawn one of our never sleeping reporters witnessed 10 trucks fully loaded with sand at the ferry pier Koh Phangan waiting for the departure to neighbor island Koh Samui.
Why would anybody want to transport sand from one island to the other? Especially if the other island is a smaller one? Well … a couple of weeks ago there was this word on the street how landowners on Koh Pha-ngan could easily make some extra bugs. Just by selling some sand … earth …soil … from their property. Some friendly excavator will do some digging on their plot of land and load up the trucks with the soil. Earning money never made easier 🙂
And at least a couple of bright landowners might have taken this great opportunity. In some places here on Koh Phangan it definitely looks like there was some digging going on. This land digging thing also seems to be quite popular on Koh Samui Island. Here on Koh Phangan you can only see the North coast of Koh Samui with Mae Naam, Buddha beach, etc. And if you take a close look at the landscape then you will recognize these brown spots up in Koh Samui Mountains. Well … I’ve never been up there in Koh Samui Mountains to do some more investigations on something brown. But these brown spots in the Koh Samui landscape have increased in the last couple of years. And I can only assume that brown means no more trees … means probably some digging … who knows?

Then a couple of another weeks ago the word on the street was about sand transports from Koh Phangan to Koh Samui. And that the local Koh Phangan administration has stopped these transports for that or the other reason. Hopefully some environmentally beneficial reasons … Hmh … and another couple of week’s later Phangan Island News undercover reporter witnessed and documented another “Sand Transport” to neighbor Koh Samui at early morning dawn. Hmh … what the heck is going on? What’s the connection between sand being transported from Koh Phangan to Koh Samui? What is so desirable about the original, finest & purest Koh Phangan Island Sand? Does it have magic powers?

Well … we don’t know 🙂 Or at least … we don’t know, yet! At the moment we could only offer some interesting theories:
- The original Sand is used for Koh Samui’s second airport as they don’t want Koh Phangan to have one.
- The original sand is mixed together with pure MSG crystals and sold as ‘Samui Cocaine’ or ‘Samui Brown Sugar’ to stupid tourists.
- The original sand is being re-shipped on Koh Samui to export for Singapore.
Hmh … what is the final secret about the original, finest & purest Koh Phangan Island Sand? So … if you’re interested and want to find out by yourself! Then don’t hesitate!
Koh Phangan Island News offers the rare, time limited & pothead proof special promotion ‘Phangan’s Finest!’. Secure your piece of Koh Phangan now and today! Get your personal piece of Koh Phangan soil today! Don’t hesitate and order NOW!
- 1 KG of finest & purest soil from Koh Phangan Paradise Island!
- Freshly hand packed at best & only selected island locations!
- Airproof & certified!
- Also 500 gram traveler package available!
- Shipment 4-6 weeks!
- Time limited offer – only as long as all the sand hasn’t been shipped to Koh Samui yet!
Don’t mix, store cool & dark!
For Brain Research Use at own risk!
Read instruction manual!
To find out more about the ‘magic’ powers of the original, finest & purest Koh Phangan Island Sand please feel free to contact us. Don’t hesitate a second! Secure your personal piece of Koh Phangan Paradise Island Soil TODAY 🙂
All payments accepted 😉