Koh Phangan Illusion – The Techno Party Gladiator Arena?
Welcome back to Koh Phangan Island News – the one and only online news magazine reporting the awful truth about the hidden paradise island of madness and daily increasing insanity in the Gulf of Thailand!
Recently Becki went on a secret undercover mission together with our computer scientist Patrik from the Baancom.com headquarters, who, by the way offers simply the best computer consulting, repair and sales service on Koh Phangan Paradise Island. Notebook problems? Windows XP just isn’t doing the stuff it’s supposed to do? Or experiencing a hardware failure? Well … just phone 077-238 124 and ask for Patrik! If a friendly and charming female Thai voice is answering the call … CAUTION – BE ALERTED!
Anyway, enough subliminal advertisement for today 😉 So … recently on our secret undercover Sunday afternoon mission we probably found the perfect solution to most of the party zone problems here on beloved Koh Pha-Ngan Island!
What’s the Party Zone Problem you might ask? Well … nearly everyone is now desperately organizing so called ‘Satisfy Your Soul’ techno party events all around the island to simply just get that easy money and maximize their profits! Resulting in terrible noise all night long sometimes every single night!
Well … Becki has really nothing against any techno trance ‘Satisfy Your Soul’ party event all around beloved Koh Pha-Ngan Island. If people think that’s what their soul wants … then great! Participate … dance … and have fun all night long!
But … on the other side … while a few hundred techno alien life forms desperately need to ‘Satisfy their Souls’ by listening to loud and generally not very pleasant techno vibes throughout the night … a few hundred other ancient life forms hardly can enter the dream world for a few minutes as their traditional wooden Thai houses won’t stop swinging to those bizarre techno base rhythms all night long!
That’s in my opinion the major issue with all these ‘Come and satisfy your soul’ party events spread all around the island and can be very easily confirmed by most locals and tourists living next to those party zones here on Koh Pha-Ngan island.

Yes … Becki has complained many, many times about this situation and so it’s probably a good time to show some solutions or point in the right directions. Just keep all party activity down at world famous party beach Had Rin – it’s really as simple as that – trust me!
Another example is the Half Moon Party Festival! Those organizers chose a ‘Party Zone’ just outside of Baan Tai village on the way to Thong Nai Pan. Though the Half Moon Party zone is located far out of Baan Tai village and additionally in sort of a small valley, most of the locals living in that area also won’t close an eye during this Half Moon Party Event – resulting in NO SLEEP OR WHATSOEVER for at least 2 nights per month! So finally we also have to give a Two thumbs DOWN for the Half Moon Party Festival Organizers ;-( ! Please – all you party organizers – start thinking about the neighbours living next to your party zones – PLEASE! Start showing some respect to each other and let also your neighbours satisfy their souls throughout the entire night. Please let your neighbours sleep and move your party zones to Hadrin beach or another total remote location with no neighbours around – thank you! (this bit was updated aug 2007!)
Becki totally agrees with the posted comments! Half Moon Party also SUCKS! It’s a very loud and noisy nightly disturbance for the neighbours living in that area and they surely won’t close an eye during the Half Moon Party Festival! Just keep all party activity down at Had Rin beach and give us back our sleep – thank you!
The Black Moon Culture! Well … this ‘Come and Satisfy your Soul’ event first took place at Mac’s Bay Resort on Baan Tai beach just behind the Ban Tai school. Then after a while first complains were made by Baan Tai school teachers, who had to listen to massive progressive trance and house beats while trying to teach simple mathematics to their students. So … complains were done and the Black Moon culture was finally relocated to Baan Khai next to some Sanorah ‘River on stone’ waterfalls!
Unfortunately the new party zone wasn’t as attractive as the original one just behind the Baan Tai School at Mac’s Bay Resort, resulting in a massive decrease of party hungry life forms actually participating in the Black Moon Culture Party event. However … some more intensive negotiations were done and finally the Black Moon Culture was allowed to come back to its original location in the middle of Baan Tai village just behind Baan Tai School!
The teachers … the students … simple mathematics … education level below zero … disturbance … annoyance … loud terrible noises … base vibes … lack of concentration … techno party?
Well … time for some useful thoughts and possible solutions instead of some general Becki complaints 😉

How’s about a general party zone for all party events on the island? How’s about a very remote location somewhere on the island where you don’t disturb or annoy any neighbors living around, as there are no neighbors at all living in that area? How’s about a general party zone infrastructure with a stunning DJ stage, a miraculous PA system, some tons of massive speakers, a couple of dance floors, some counters where you can purchase your drinks, some toilets and some chilling chill out areas?
How’s about the idea that any party organizer can then simply rent the entire party zone infrastructure for a general fee per night? The whole party zone infrastructure could then be more and more improved over time out of the profits made by renting out the infrastructure to the party organizers.
This remote party zone infrastructure would then solve a couple of problems!
As of its remote location everyone could then enjoy whatever they like. Techno party human life forms could then enjoy their ‘Satisfy the Soul’ trip without annoying any neighbors around! All other more traditional oriented locals and tourists living on Koh Phangan Paradise Island could then again enjoy their smooth dreams without the annoyance of any swinging wooden houses!
Wouldn’t that be a step towards a possible direction?
Or … how about a general noise regulation? That the party zone should at least be located at a remote location and not directly within or next to a village?
In general we should always try to think about how our actions will eventually influence others! I think we should always respect other interests and look for a solution which helps both sites!
Becki thinks this can be easily achieved by listening to the different pros and contras and then use our god given brains to find a solution which mostly satisfies all sites! Yes … it might be sometimes a really difficult task … compromises need to be made … but in my personal opinion it can be done if we are only willing to find a solution and use our brains in a respectful and human minded way!
That’s what I call respect and family like attitude! That’s what I call ‘taking care of each other’ and live together in peace, love and unity! That’s what I call a real human!
There’s always a better solution available, probably we haven’t invested the time yet to discover it!

Please check out the Picture Gallery by clicking on this link => Koh Phangan Techno Gladiator Arena
So … while recently discovering this brand new party zone, called Phangan Illusion, somewhere between Baan Tai and Baan Khai village all these thoughts suddenly popped up in my mind!
Well … personally I think that this new Phangan Illusion Party Zone, which was accidentally (on purpose?) placed just next to some rubbish disposal sites, looks a bit like a techno gladiator arena instead of that charming ‘come and satisfy your soul’ thing. The only thing missing is some barbed wire on top of that construction steel frame and Becki would have gotten the impression to discover a new secret, undercover military base on Koh Phangan Island.
What makes me still a bit curious and wondering is that concrete bunker in the right corner of the Phangan Illusion military camp! Who is sitting behind that black window observing general techno trance alien life form behaviors?
Indeed the military? Some smart and wicked scientists? Local police agents? The drug mafia? The New World Order?
Any ideas?
Maybe you’re getting old Becki… I hate the concentration camp look, that’s definitely not the kind of ambiance one would be looking for on a tropical island such as Koh Phangan.. Location is key and a populated area is likely not the best location for all night parties… You need to mobilize the community, to pay the cops more cash than the party organizers or rent the land for more than the organizers… Lets face it, all of the problems come down to economics and the solutions too…
The army seems bent on wiping out corruption; you never know they may help ya. Write a letter to editor of the Nation and see if you can get a response…At worst you could wake up to tanks rolling through Ban Tai….
Cheers, I’ll bring you some ear plugs…
hi glyn,
thanks for your comment … and YES … becki is getting old 😉 i would really be interested to see how fast you would get old here in paradise if another party zone would be located just next to your bungalow while spending your holiday on Koh Phangan 😉
Then you would have a real experience and are welcome to let others know about it 😉
In my opinion all the problems come down to nothing more than ETHICS … forget cash … forget economics!
By the way, Becki has already contacted the editor of The Nation a couple of times, but so far NO response! Probably they are busy with Thaksin …the military … and a couple of tanks in Bangkok at the moment 😉
Cheers & thanks, and Becki already got some marvellous ear plugs … though it doesn’t help that much 😉
Just taking piss Becki, I know what an annoyance this situation is for you! It won’t last forever, every thing is constantly changing on the island..
I almost felt quilty laughing at the situation. Then I remember your a guy that is living in paradise and the quilt is gone in a nano second! What am I thinking, I wake up at 6:30 five days a week and this guy is kept awake a couple nights a month. Hey, I wish I had your problems…
The yard alone makes up for all the noise…
In the real world we are jealous of your little worries.
Take care, see ya in 100 days…
This is great I like it … and yes barbwire on top of that fences is still missing … in fact I have a better Idea … just make a fence (+ barbwire and watch towers) around haad rin … and then you’ve got your big party area
The local police force will put even more money in the pockets, because docyou know that it takes approximately 40% of the paying entries?
half moon party zone, very low noise annoyance for surrounding neighbors, … you’re talking rubbish! if you can’t hear anything from there doesn’t mean nobody is disturbed and having sleepless nights. NO parties in and near residential areas (incl. hmf)!!! don’t let the madness, lawlessness spread over the borders of “party beach” haad rin. keep the rest of the island clean, safe beautiful pha ngan!!!!
You just want to get rid of the parties around your house, that you can sleep. Beyond that you also don’t care anything and anybody at all!
Open your eyes man, there are also many people living around the place, you call “safe party zone” (you yourself mentioned the death of 2 druggies there!!!), whose houses are vibrating to the bizzarre noise, which is robbing our sleep more than 10 times per month. Even people living at the road to thong nai pan complain about these nightly disturbances.
It’s just as simple as that: on this beautiful island is NO area remote enough for any of these annoyances.
In my view there is only one way: leave the so called “party” in haad rin, and give us back our sleep!
-Everybody is free to do anything, unless it cuts the freedom of somebody else.
hey .. i totally agree to your post above – TOTALLY! I also have to admit that I was wrong on some of my recent statements. Especially about the half moon party chosing a “safe party zone”! there are also many people living close to that party zone area complaining about the all night long disturbance. so i really totally agree with you – parties should stay in hadrin so we and all other locals could enjoy their sleep again!
if they want to do parties at another area like ban tai, ban khay, etc, then they should look for a remote area with no neighbours around, which is probably very hard to find!
so again .. i really totally agree with you. and please don’t get me wrong i also do care about others.
main fact still is that the island officials are more than totally corrupted. so it’s always a game about power and money and in my opinion it will be very hard to stop that here on the island of madness.
locals in ban tai tried that a few times regarding the shiva moon party but so far NO SUCCESS! money, power and connections rule the party scene on koh phangan. not one island official ever thinks about the locals here. they mainly think about the extra income from a party night … that’s all they care about!
unless the locals don’t group together and fight for their sleep all together nothing is ever going to change … or a local thai really can’t sleep for a few nights, then gets really pissed with the whole shit and finally grabs his gun for personal justice. things like this sometimes do happen in the land of the smile with its chai yen yen attitude.
so i’m totally with you my sleepless friend. should we both start a organized revolution about this party issue? though some of us then could also get killed 😉