Koh Phangan New Years Eve Party and a start in a better New Year 2005?
Greetings and a very happy New Year 2005 from the headquarters of Koh Phangan Island News 😉
So far also in the year 2005 everything still works like expected. Our planet earth still makes it endless loops around the sun … the gravitation is also still doing its tricks and the clock shows 03.23 in the morning and that’s always a good sign – even in the year 2005!
The first night in the new year was a bit of a cloudy one but lots of people still found their way to world famous Hadrin Beach here on Kho Phangan Paradise island to celebrate the New Years Eve Party. The Party Zone was packed with thousands of people though I have to say I expected some more. Especially after the Tsunami disaster at the west coast of Thailand where lots of people didn’t want to stay any longer. Understandable!
Even his majesty King Bumiphol of Thailand announced a Party Break to show compassion to the victims of the tsunami tragedy worldwide. Donation boxes were placed everywhere here on Koh Phangan Island and one could even donate his last pair of trousers to show his or her support. So far lots of efforts have been shown worldwide to help the victims of the Tsunami Disaster. Only the Bush Administration from the United States of America seems to be a bit stingy with support as they probably need that money for their own projects, e.g. to build another free democratic system in Iraq. Help God!
Anyway, it’s good to see what’s happening on this planet. Though I have to say sometimes things also look a bit bizarre. Everybody is high on top with the tsunami support at the moment but on the other site – has there ever been a similar support for the victims of Iraq? Ho … yes, they are the bad guy – I forgot! Weapons of mass destruction, Al Quaida supporters, Muslim extremists and that sort of thing. Though it is officially proven that the Bush administration didn’t tell us the proper version of the story!
Please check out the Picture Gallery => New Years Eve Party 2004 Koh Phangan Island
And still we have war there every day and hundreds of people get killed while the rest of the world still sort of accepts the whole shit happening there and doesn’t do anything at all – ZIPPO. Where is the friendly support here? This free democratic system with those fascinating e-voting machines? HELP – PLEASE HELP! Still a long way to go for human mankind?
Anyway … let’s hope it will be a better 2005 with the support from ALL to ALL of us 😉
So … New Years Eve Party! Yes it was happening and nothing could stop it so far. Thousands celebrated into the new year and seemed to have lots of fun. Everywhere the usual stuff but with sensitive night visions and good luck someone could discover some awful secrets. As our recently new installed terror alert system showed some minor changes in the bio magnetic field of the island all undercover agents were at high alert – sever risk that night! And it looks like that the terror alert system has located the cause for the temporary alert 😉 Has there been another escape from PAC’s secret underground medical research facilities?? The new probably genetic designed breed was detected at the main beach amongst other aliens. A new fascinating breed with special night visions?? … X-Ray?? Bio-Ray? Laser-Ray-O-Kill?
Also detected by the terror alert system were some PAC members at the Orchid Club. Dancing to Drum and Base! Were CEO of PAC Shevaun Gallwey and Nurse Por high on mind altering substances? Indeed they were acting strangely … dancing to Drum and some Base.
“Battlefield Techno” also seemed to work. At least at the Vinyl Club as Zoom next door was sort of in “zoom out mode” and looked a bit empty. Drop Inn Club had some special guest from an old culture which I thought had been extinct since the early 90’s. Break-Dancers! Doing all this entire robot and swirl on the floor stuff. Thought they were dead long time ago.

And finally Becki also managed to get in contact with DJ Flux turning the tables at the original Paradise Bungalow Party Zone. But like I said before it was a bit empty at Haad Rin Beach and I expected some more people. Also didn’t go to the Backyard Pub this time as Becki decided to leave the scene just before sunrise to catch a big bag of sleep which I actually really needed 😉
So … hope that all of you had lots of fun and also made it into the year 2005 in good conditions. Wish you all a happy and lovely new year!
And like Buddha said “Imagine – You have the possibility to be happy every single second of your life!” It’s only your decision … what do you choose?
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