Bye, Bye Koh Phangan Paradise – Thanks for everything & best of luck!
Hello there & a happy welcome back to Koh Phangan Island News – the most debated website about a small island in the Gulf of Thailand called Koh Phangan Paradise Island.
Well … I still do remember the very day when I first stepped my foot on ‘magic’ Koh Phangan Island. It was the 14th November 1992 and I came over from Koh Samui with the Hadrin Queen Express Boat arriving at Hadrin Beach. There was no pier at that time and smaller long tail boats had to come and pick you up outside … and the magic journey began …
I also still do remember the very last day I left the Island Of Madness, this time via a so called international pier at Thongsala. It was the 20th May of 2009 and the magic journey finally came to an end. Crossroad reached!
If we have a closer look at those numbers it finally reveals that I have survived an amazing 16 years, 6 months and 7 days on the Island Of Madness, formerly also know as ‘magic’ Koh Phangan Paradise Island.
It can also be counted as 6032 days or 861 weeks! If we would like to go into even more details then it would be an amazing 144.768 hours, 8.686.080 minutes or 521.164.800 seconds.
And after all I have to tell you that it was the most amazing time I’ve experienced in my life! I would not hesitate a single second and do it again …
Back in those early days Koh Phangan was really a more than magic place and everyone could easily feel the magic, special & laid back atmosphere this tiny island jewel had to offer. I will never forget the early Full Moon Parties when it still was a sort of secret backpackers event and not known yet to the international music & dance festival industry.
I will always remember the bizarre times we all experienced at the Palm Beach Psy Trance Parties on the sunset site of Hadrin Beach during the years of 1994 to 1996. This was the real ‘magic’ Phangan experience we all came to enjoy. This was peace, love & happiness! This was the ‘original experience’, the ‘cosmic consciousness trip’ once a week on Wednesday! Loaded with tons and tons of good Californian bliss, pupils as big as the bright moon in the dark sky 😉

There was no charge of entrance fee! There were no international DJ’s present at that time. Our only motivation was to have a good time, a good party and share peace, love & happiness with each other without thinking about money and massive profits. And … tell you what … it worked … perfectly!
During all those years living on the Island Of Madness I have met so many nice people and I still do have the most amazing memories connected to this once very special place on our little planet called earth.
If I think back now I have to say that the first 5 something years were just simply awesome and Koh Phangan Paradise Island provided the perfect shelter for me. Thinking about myself … thinking about life … and meeting some of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. Those times were just more than fantastic … more than bizarre!
Later on things definitely started to develop in some sort of direction and the last couple of years, bombarded with never ending massive techno sounds throughout the night, were simply just dreadful!
But hey … who am I to complain? I had the very rare pleasure of spending the most amazing time with the most amazing people on Koh Phangan Paradise!
And I’m really grateful for that!
So … thanks a lot … little & beloved Koh Phangan Island … thanks for all those amazing years … thanks for letting me be part of it …
Bye, bye Koh Phangan … thanks for everything & best of luck!
ciao Beckman,es tut mir richtig leid…
mach es gut alte kumpel
lg Eddy
thank you becky.I have been coming to the island since 94…and wont stop.
thanks for your website…
and thank you for speaking your mind.
hope all goes well for you
ciao eddy 😉
don’t worry … every little thing … is gonna be alright 😉
greetings & all the best
Been reading your website for some time now. I, too, arrived in Koh Phangan in Nov ’92 and spent the next six years regularly spending many months with many great folk, doing many mad things. Happy times to be tucked inside our souls now ….. CJ
well i dont think that this island is fucked! its not but you find shit all over the world and if you go looking it will find you no matter where you are in the world….. But phangan still has its nice sides and many locals i no and iv bee there only 2 times and did meet and got to no many thais lockal and not lockals, and yes the party scen is some what out of hand they are,, well change is somethings you can not change its life like it or not remeber the grand canaris in spain eny one? or some of the greek islands if you dont look in the old photo album and you see….
am going back this winther and cant wait to stay with my thai frends again this time for 2 months so if you are near thansadeth look me up my name is thomas….. they no who i am 🙂 eny way happy new year all out there and stay well and dont take all the shit about this island some places its shit but not all over….
diese insel ist ein haufen scheisse
dont go there !!
du bist auch n haufen scheisse!
Everyone who visits Phangan has some great memories that we could all share, I’m sure. Who knows, maybe the young kids making their first visits there now are having similar experiences? Anyone know if this is happening?
It’s not just KPG that is suffering from greed and nastiness it seems to be global problem. Getting a bit philosophical, but it’s true.
Cheers Becki and welcome back to the real world. I wish you all the best of luck also and I know we will meet again… Glyn
It seems that all over the place – people are moaning about the end of ibiza, goa, kopagnan…
part of it is that we are getting older, but part of it is because these scenes do suffer under their own success… (massification, surveillance, tourism etc.)
bye bye rave counterculture?… :-(((
techno tony
can someone tell me if there are parties in bantai-area and if they are worth to visit or only tourist-crab like full-moon?i am coming to thailand next month and think about where to go.
thanks and a good time to everyone.
Try the Shiva Moon Partys… Black- and halfmoon are very crowded, but Shiva Moon is quite nice.. have been there in August and we were just about 50 people and had a really great party till hour after sunset 😉
… and we kept the whole village of bantai sleepless!
Hey Becki:
I’ve been reading your site for a few years now. I usually stay in Wok Tum for a few months when I’m on the island. You should get other guest reporters to start updating the news. Weren’t you with a group of web developers on the island? Are they gone? It would be good to see news updates, for the rest of us who have to come back to our boring western countries to work. And maybe because it’s a fun read for the locals too!
can someone tell me if there are parties in bantai-area and if they are worth to visit or only tourist-crab like full-moon?i am coming to thailand next month and think about where to go.
thanks and a good time to everyone.
Ban sabaaii my freind
Hello ! Becki
I’m a rasta Gal that I met u for songkran’s day and took a picture post on website at that time dont’ u remember?
I’m surely agreement with u about KPN. I been here since 2000 and always, 10 years everything has changed!! I falling in love old time here the road no concrete !! hard to entry so excited and need to stay for a long trip if possible but now had rin everythink changed more resturant ! no the best fire man ! and no long relationship as b4 but anyways i still love koh phangan !!
Thank you Becki for this, I feel so sad i can imagine that what u talking about U r the one that i rememeber about best of KPN and u still the best BECKI !!
Rasta gal
btw : i love PAC too. 😀
hi rasta gal 😉
yep … i still do remember you from years ago at songkran festival!
thanks a lot for your comment and probably will see you on another island somewhere else … some other time …
say hello to phangan island on your next visit and wish you lots of fun 😉
greetings & all the best
Becki … what happened to your 3rd installment about the shooting where you were going to name youre attackers!!! Come on … we’ve been waiting months for this!!!
hi there 😉
you probably need to be a bit more patient … i decided that the 30th march 2010 would be a great day for this … exactly 1 year after the gun shot attack!
and then i will call some names … promise 😉
just hang tight …
hi there 😉
you probably need to be a bit more patient … i decided that the 30th march 2010 would be a great day for this … exactly 1 year after the gun shot attack!
and then i will call some names … promise 😉
just hang tight …
Your completely full of Shit Becki
Can becki actually name the people that did this to him. Of course there’s quite a few who must know for sure who did this. However,
the important things though are that he survived as the investigation would have probably ended the same shameful way if he had died. Secondly that the investigation or lack of by the local council, local police, surat thani police and also the german embassy officials was all so weak means that no one is safe here. Of course there are people who say don’t mess with thais in there own country and he deserved it etc etc. But this is a very shallow minded view, there has been very little progression here for quite some time and actually many say Thailand is sliding the wrong way. What Becki did was represent all the families in Ban Tai to move the parties to an area which didn’t affect people’s lives. That has to be fair enough. the parties are back again in full swing and apart from the families in the area no one seems to care. Are these parties good for Thailand? Are they good for Phangan? everyone has a different view on this. But if the parties affect all those families and also produce a couple of young lads to pull a gun on someone and pull the trigger resulting in a near death experience and then for the investigation to be so shallow and for the parties within a year to be in full swing again, how on earth can anyone decent honestly say these parties are good for thailand, for phangan, for nothing other than lining the pockets of all the people that made sure the investigation of the attack of Ralf Beckman did not go any further than the area of ban tai. Say what you want, but you’re very small minded if you can write here that he deserved it.
ciao ciao fottuto tedesco bastardo…l
hai fatto bene ad andare la prossima volta che qualcuno vede la tua faccia qua nn scriverai mai piu niente…
ti auguro tanta fortuna e rifatti una maschera facciale e i cazzi tuoi se vuoi viver altri 50 anni..-..un bacio
and here’s the Italian – English translation of this nice comment ->
hello German fucking bastard … l
You did well to go the next time someone sees your face here you’ll never again write anything …
I wish you luck and redone cocks and a face mask if you want your live another 50 years ..-.. a kiss
oh … i love those italian comments 😉
it seems like you have friends all over the world,ha?
tu invece perché non fai vedere la tua FOTTUTISSIMA faccia da culo????Facile fare i grandi dietro ad una tastiera,VERGOGNATI!!!!
berlusconi speaking?
Pathetic comment italiano….. Lookiing forward to th expose 😉 good luck Becki, patihan of kohphangan
Did you leave Thailand all together?
unluckily 4 germany we have him back.
congrats 2 kpg!
now we can give becki a new nickname.
samesame,but different.
Selbst schuld Mr. Beckmann…Wer eine grosse Klappe hat, fällt auf die Fresse…auch Sie Mr Beckmann.
countdown: 18
countdown:12 days till awfull truth
spill the beans then beckman
times up Beckman, you gonna follow thru with your promise and tell us who shot you or are you gonna hide?
hi there 😉
you probably need to be a bit more patient … i decided that the 30th march 2010 would be a great day for this … exactly 1 year after the gun shot attack!
and then i will call some names … promise 😉
just hang tight …
Still waiting…….Your completely full of Shit Becki
countdown: minus 1 and no one hears the bomb blasting.i think they don’t shoot his hip,they shoot off his balls!
did you shoot yourself ?
am very disapointed with you ralph!!!!
sooooooooo……………….april 2nd and no news!
Who was it then?
Beckman hasnt said and most likely will not say because he is full of shit and just looking for attention. He most likely shot himself in the arse and made up another of his little fantasies so he wouldnt lookt quite so stupid. Either way, he does look more and more stupid every day that goes by that he doesnt name his supposed attackers. Its no wonder this attention seeking fool had to leave KPG. Anyone with half a brain can get along with Thai people, but evidently not this arrogant lying attention seeking fool Beckman. KPG is better without you around Beckman.
Beckman probably hasn’t said anything because he is not 100%, if like you he had half a brain he probably would name them. You get on with the thais, ask them.
Beckman, attention seeking?Liar? you are out of your mind. The only reason KPG is better without him is because of his own safety. what he done while stupid at times was brave and with the full support of the Ban Tai community who are now afraid to do anything knowing the police are on the side of the party organizers. Get Over it!
Here are his words exactly…….. note the word “promise”
you probably need to be a bit more patient … i decided that the 30th march 2010 would be a great day for this … exactly 1 year after the gun shot attack!
and then i will call some names … promise 😉
just hang tight …
So he has broken his “promise”, which makes him a LIAR. He leaves this topic on the site and indeed started another topic, one posting a private email from a local Thai person, stirring up more trouble (ATTENTION) as regards this same topic. Not only has he lied, he has betrayed the trust of common decency by posting that private email on an international public forum, which he did in order to gain attention.
So in view of the above, it is logical to conclude that Beckman is an attention seeking liar and not to be trusted.
And as to asking the Thais as to whom shot Beckman, I wouldnt bother because I dont go sticking my nose into other peoples business, especially in Thailand. Its called respect. I am a farang and in Thailand, or any other country, I am a guest and should behave accordingly and not tell the locals how to conduct their affairs. Nor would I (or any person with half a brain or a semblence of respect) slang off at the police, taxi drivers, bungalow operators or other business’s. When a fool gossip like Beckman thinks he is a “local expat” and starts gossiping with other “local expats” then rumors start and trouble begins.
Your a guest in another country so keep your fucking gossip and opinions to yourself, stay the fuck out of the locals business and you most likely wont have any problems. Pretty straight forward really.
well spoken dummy:5!guest’s should behave like guest’s!same same in every country of the world!that’s a question of respect and to get respect you have to behave respectfully.
that’s my last visit on this page and i delete the link now.
i don’t like to give any further support to ralf thru visiting his page coz i don’t like arseholes and he have two now.
i agree me to this will be my last visit to this page more suport ralph ive had enough of you now along with everybody else ….good bye you c*** xx
i just think that still people will enjoy and have magical experience… its a shame that all the “old” people think only past time is good, because i am young and will have still amazing times there …
you re right,i was there for 10 years and it’s still great.
Marco the captain
I first arrived on the island in November 1992 catching the long boat from thon sala, no electricity, amazing little bakery and truly awesome dance parties. Went back a few years ago and was glad to have experienced the island before it transformed to Had Vegas!!