Koh Phangan Party Zone Gun Shooting Madness – Let’s get the party started!
Welcome back to Koh Phangan Island News – the one and only independent website exposing the awful truth about the island of madness.
Well … it has been a rough few days but Becki is alive and recovering well.
My very best wishes and deepest thank you goes to all my beloved Phangan friends who really helped me a lot during the last few days. My dear friend Ara – really thanks a lot for your outstanding and stunning support! Nothing would have been possible without your help! You are and always will be my island guru – you really deserve that – you’re a star 😉 Thank you so much!
First of all massive thankfulness to my beloved local Thai people from Koh Phangan, particularly Baan Nuea village, especially my Thai grandmother Paa Nu Yot Selim. Another thank you to the best, toughest and most intelligent young local Thai woman I’ve met so far on Phangan Island – Erng 13 🙂 Furthermore another khapkhun maak maak to Manah & Puh who came to rescue me at my place shortly after the shooting and provided me a safe shelter at their house.
My deepest gratitude also to the following real Phangan souls: Patrik & Na Hee Rachanee 🙂 from the Baancom headquarters who provided me a free laptop for the time being and helped sorting things out at my house on Koh Phangan while being away. Simon & Lee from the Koh Phangan Hotel, Resort & Bungalows Empire. Dave from the Harmony Beach Resort. Heike & Daniel from the best and most professional Koh Phangan Diving School called Haad Yao Divers.
Daniele who simply just makes the best and most beautiful Shiva Eye Jewelry on Koh Phangan. Mike from the Buakao Inn also better known as the republican coffee house. Johann and Fred, my Phangan friends from Canada, who constantly filled up my mobile phone credit so Becki could do all the necessary phone calls. Not to forget Glyn, my other Canadian friend, for his call-ins, posted comments and mental support.
Furthermore my confused and paranoid friend James from Switzerland, Joe the guitar hero, Billy the Kid, Jordi my Spanish friend from Koh Samui, Karen and Andrew, Artur providing the No Pain No Gain message, Adam, Nishki the German quality builder, Joern from Vistek Germany, Rudi & Stephan from the Frankonian headquarters, the unknown freelance journalist making the right connections at the right time.
Thank you to all my beloved Koh Phangan Island News readers and your outstanding support on my website and sending all these lovely messages, thoughts and wishes over the ether. You can be assured that Becki received your blissful thoughts – Thanks for doing that! And please remember – your opinion does indeed matter! So please keep posting and help to spread the news!
And last but not least my beloved friend Tom from the Funsharing headquarters in Strinz Trinitatis and all my friends from the little Bachgasse for their mental support and transferring massive amounts of subtle but necessary energy through the ether around the globe.
Finally a cosmic thank you to all my guardian angels who must have been gathering right next to my bed during the night and managed to wake me up at the right time. Also a big thank you to the creative force, the source, the light, the void. Thank you for sending out messages all the time helping to guide me through the chaos towards the light and taking the right steps at the right time. Thank you for making all this actually possible and helping me to understand things and make it clearer as I walk along on the path chosen by my heart. I love you so much – thank you!
So … all my beloved friends, and please don’t get mad at me if Becki forgot to mention you here as I’m still in recovery mode and system resources are only around 60% at the moment.
But please notice that nothing would have been possible without your help and hereby Becki want to let you know that I love you all from the deepest bottom of my heart. You are the best and most lovely human souls on this planet and it really is such a pleasure for me to actually have the chance to know you and share a friendship with you guys. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
May God bless your souls – you more than deserve this!
The funny thing is that once the shit does indeed hit the fan everything becomes relative and really bizarre. There’s no more need for money, there’s no more need for material things, there’s no more need for anything except really good friends.
So my message to all of you out there is quite easy. Money does not matter! The only thing that really matters is true friendship! All you need is LOVE!
Well … there have been quite a few reports about the attack out there on the internet and also some newspaper articles but they actually didn’t get things quite right and messed up a few details. Therefore communication with words still seems to be an issue among people so a new form of communication should be achieved sooner or later at one point.
But Becki is glad to still be alive and able to enjoy the endgame on this chaotic planet and now I can share the events how they really happened. And yes, indeed, Becki does not play baseball nor does Becki have a baseball bat at his home 😉
So … Monday the 30th March 2009 around 4.30 in the morning Becki woke up while sleeping in his bed. Must have heard some whispering and had a strange feeling in my guts as something didn’t feel quite right. Then I immediately turned on the lights in the sleeping room and finally I could see two guys standing on my veranda.
The two guys were definitely Thais, both male and around 20 years of age. Really pretty young and totally inexperienced from what I could first sense. Both guys were not very tall about 160 cm in height but one guy a bit taller than the other.
The smaller one was the leader wearing jeans, a blue t-shirt and covering his face with a red mask so you could only see the eyes. Also the light was turned off on my veranda I really couldn’t see much. The second guy mostly tried to hide behind the other one wearing also dark trousers but a white t-shirt and a black face mask. He was a bit taller in size but even more scared then the other one. Both really inexperienced!
Once I spotted them on my veranda they both immediately went into attack mode. The leader of the gang was equipped with a red aluminum baseball bat and the other guy just had a very rotten piece of coconut wood in his hands.
As soon as they both started attacking me, trying to hit me with the bats, Becki must have gotten into a sort of OBE, out of body experience, as I started observing myself doing some really nasty animal instinct sounds shouting at them in a really, really bizarre animal like voice. Both Thai attackers must have been so shocked and surprised about what animal Becki was doing as they didn’t hit me in any way but mostly messed up my beloved computer case which sort of pulverized the rotten coconut wood bat from one of the attackers.
Both of them, not being able to hit me at least once, then were sort of really scared of me, possibly because of my awesome animal instinct style shouting, so that the other attacker who just pulverized his rotten coconut wooden bat starting throwing the fan next to my bed at me. Becki then quickly moved a bit back and to the side so the fan thrown at me couldn’t do any damage.
Then I remembered the massive and strong piece of teak wood bat which Becki positioned next to the bed a few weeks ago in case some unwanted visitors will show up during the night.
And yes, Becki should have better gotten a gun according to some comments posted here but to this very moment I still refuse to have a gun as we don’t need those things anymore on our lovely planet. All you need is a strong and clear connection to the spirits and everything will be fine!
Then Becki quickly took the wooden bat next to his bed and suddenly jumped towards the attackers to defend myself. Both attackers then were more than surprised and jumped out the sleeping room onto the veranda. I then went quickly after both of them and the attacker without the coconut bat, the weaker one wearing the white t-shirt, was sort of hiding behind the brave but scared leader with the red mask.
Then I again jumped at them forcing them both to take another step backwards and the leader of the gang, the guy with the red mask, must have been so confused by my sudden actions that he totally forgot about his aluminum baseball bat. He pointed the baseball bat towards me without any action so I finally just grabbed his aluminum baseball bat, made a hart and strong pull and without any resistance the baseball bat was in my possession. Then I threw the bat just behind me in the room on my bed and then was standing in front of the two disarmed attackers with my teak wood bat in my right hand high up in the air, ready to hit them if they try to attack me.
My message was both clear and simply. Come any further and I will fucking smash your brains on my veranda! Still only defending not really attacking in any way!
Both attackers then were shocked to the bones and really looked quite confused and so the leader of the gang finally grabbed in his trouser and took out the gun.

As soon as I saw this coming Becki had to go into hiding mode and quickly went back into the room where I would feel a bit safer behind a wooden wall. Then it was really quiet for a second and after that the first shot was fired – BANG!
I felt a strange feeling at the left side of my pelvis just next to the hip. And then another BANG … BANG! Three shots were fired in total but Becki only got hit once. Not three times like it was reported in the press!
And finally I could hear both attackers running away. Waited another few seconds and then went on the veranda and saw them driving down the road on a usual motorbike like Honda 125cc. No idea about color or brand as it was dark and the road quite a bit away.
I then turned on the lights on the veranda, had a quick look at my left hip and could see a nice tiny hole in the front and a bigger tiny hole coming out at my buttock. I immediately knew that no big damage had been down just a nice shot passing through my flesh.
Didn’t really feel a thing at all mostly being in shocking mode but lots and lots of blood came out of the bullet exit hole at my buttock. Fuck!
Then I took a towel to cover the wound and asked myself … shit! What to do next?
Well being a nicotine addict for so many years my first idea was to sit down roll a cigarette and calm down, relax and make up a plan. Fucking unbelievable, isn’t it?
Anyway, the first smoke entering my desperate lungs I heard another sound from the back of my house. Like foot steps or something like that. Well … is it ever going to stop, I asked myself. Why can’t I smoke a cigarette in peace?
So still in shocking mode and scared of another attack Becki went back into his room, grabbed his teak wood stick ready to defend my life again.
Luckily I then heard a familiar voice asking, Beckmann, Beckmann … are you okay? And soon I recognized the voice of my Thai neighbor Manah and his wife Puh coming over to my place looking what is going on. As soon as Manah & Puh arrived also the attackers came driving back on their motorbike probably looking for their baseball bat.
However, I quickly took the baseball bat as a piece of evidence, grabbed my tobacco (poor addicts!), mobile phone, wallet and keys and left with my neighbors to their house looking for a safe shelter.
A few of my neighbors, including my Thai grandmother Nujot, were already there as they already had heard the noise and gun fire at my place.
Shortly after we arrived at my neighbor’s house the attackers left again (I have no idea what they were doing!) and my neighbor Manah finally called the corrupt local police cops which showed up about 10 minutes later.
So that’s the story … the real story with all the details and no false information at all!
Well, hope you enjoyed the show and please come back soon as I plan to provide more updates on this story in the close future – promise 😉
Also a final word to all the party organizers and DJs supporting the parties in and around Baan Tai village: FUCK YOU!
Hang tight you assholes and watch the international show starting soon … let’s get the party started!
To all my friends again a BIG, BIG THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
More to come soon …
… well, this is a mix & remastered by DJ “Different, but same same”
please contact: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/04/national/national_30099632.php
Injured German complains about police investigation
By The Nation
Published on April 4, 2009
A German expatriate based in Koh Phangan who was injured in a recent attack for his campaign against drug parties on the resort island yesterday made a public statement complaining about the delay in police investigation into the incident.
Flederer Ralf, 39, who is now in a safe condition after being shot three times by two invaders last Monday night, said he had feared for his life and was expecting a future attack.
Pol Colonel Jaroon Uchupharb, chief of Koh Phangan police on the island off the Surat Thani coast, said Ralf did not fully cooperate with police, without explaining why the victim was uncooperative.
The officer said he thought the attackers did not mean to kill Ralf, but possibly wanted to merely threaten him. “I learnt that the attackers knocked on Ralf’s house with a baseball bat, but were attacked first by Ralf. So the attackers fired some warning shots,” he added.
“Anyway, police will take action to locate the attackers,” he said.
Residing on Koh Phangan island for 17 years, Ralf has been campaigning against parties in which drugs and alcohol were openly used, except for the original full moon parties. He said he was disliked by organisers of other parties and this could be a motive behind the attack.
Phanu Woramit, a local Tourism Authority of Thailand official, said there were many parties in recent years in an attempt to draw more foreign tourists to Koh Phangan. He made no comments on the attack on Ralf.
(How do the police know that Beckman attacked first .)Whom did they talk to to ascertain that opinion that would be my first question.
They came with bats and a gun but did not mean to kill him.
My dear Police Chief whom have you been talking to to come up with that opinion.
My opinion is the only way to could come up with those kind of statements is by talking to the people involved which are probably the same people who fatten up your wallet by looking the other way in regards to these parties.
By the way a very big thank you for totally ignoring the numerous of complaints from the local people but that is easy for someone like you since old people and young children have no money to grease your palm with.
Well Becki, most of your readers will be relieved that you are okay. I know on a personal level I really worry about you as do many of your friends on Phangan and others around the world. If you find the bullet that went right thru you, I would suggest you sell it on a silent auction. It would be quiet the conversation piece… I think it would look great in a frame at A’s Coffee Shop! 😉 If you are short on cash due to medical expenses just ask for some donations. Some folks are indeed indebted to you! You are a hero to both Karen and I, but please be careful. The cause is worthy, but not worth loosing your life for it… For the masses, write letters to the editor of the Thai papers and try to keep the pressure on this issue. If Becki needs cash and you can afford a small donation then do it for the cause!
Cheers and good luck Glyn
Thanks for the correction of the story. I can say, you made it quite well how you defend yourself.
Can you get a picture of the baseball bat? Maybe somebody can recognise this for Thai people unusual aluminum baseball bat? I don’t think that many people here can own something like that.
Because of the baseball bat I guess they must be related to an American in some way. For that I know only one family in connection with the parties and American relatives (married into a Thai family). If you need some help to find out more please let me know.
hi islander,
this sounds fantastic the connection of the baseball bat and an american family relatives. that’s what i call investigative work.
unfortunately can’t provide a picture as the corrupt phangan police took the bat with them as a piece of evidence. probably already missing by now? who knows?
the baseball bat was made out of aluminum in a pinkish red color style. with a dark material handhold with a surface so it would stick to your hands or not get out of your hands easily.
of course we need your help! as you can already see the police is doing their own corrupt investigations saying Becki was the attacker and those poor thai guys only tried to defend themselves. isn’t that just awesome?
so please keep posting or get in contact with me via the contact form. let’s get the party started!
greetings from the secret underground facilities 😉
I will try my best. It will take a while because I have to be careful.
yes … please be careful and thanks so much for your help. we really appreciate that 😉
I am new to this great and unique forum but Becky don’t you think you should take a vacation from the island for awhile? I think things can only escalate from here especially if you continue to post this story and put pressure on the locals from BKK. Man seriously dude High respect and a great forum but you have to know when to hold them and when to fold them and as long as you continue to push these issues I think your life is going to be in high danger and it will end badly. Are you going to stay on KP and fortify your dwellings???? That is no way to live. If your Thai friends are really your friends they have already told you your life is in danger and you should leave! YOur fans should boycott your forum until you wakeup and get off of the island for awhile. Say 6 months. You gotta lay low man. Apparantly your social experiment has been a success until now. Lay low so you can continue the forum at a later date. Everyone will come back. In the mean time do the forum from another city and tell us stories about the lovely people especially if you know any good people and why they are good. Meet any good thaigirls?
I am Belgian with Indonesian origins and I am always carrying a baseball bat in my car, here in Bangkok. You can buy them everywhere, tailor made or not.
To you Becki, I wish you all the best and a prompt recovery.
Michel wrote:
I am Belgian with Indonesian origins and I am always carrying a baseball bat in my car, here in Bangkok. You can buy them everywhere, tailor made or not.
I’m Thai and I don’t know any Thai family to have a baseball bat! If they have it must have a reason. Baseball isn’t popular at all in Thailand. You can’t buy them everywhere! Maybe in Bangkok in a few sport shops but not here on Koh Phangan. Becki got attacked by two young Thai boys. The party organisers are Thai. Think first before you write something what isn’t helpful at all. Anyway, why you always carrying a baseball bat in your car? You are a strange person!
I dont know any Thai family carry a baseball bat because all of them carry a gun! one car = one gun. this is koh phangan. get use to it.
Bolloks, that’s not Koh Phangan. No one even needet to close their doors at night but the greediness of people who have taken over the island made it like that.
Welcome to Koh Chicago.
yes baseball bats are an american thing,so is 68… where you suck my dick an ill owe ya one
Hye Becki glad your on the mend was my comment bout the gonads and gun on the last page! Appreiceate that getting a gun might not be the best idea(knowing the thai police even if u used it in self defence they’d send you to bangkok hilton) How about a trusty(fierce) dog though it would alert you to intruders and give you time to escape! Im not implying they’ll strike again(they’d be mad to) more giving suggestions as to put your mind at ease when you do return to kpg i know ther are pit bulls on the island 1 of those would have probaly torn those lads apart! d uk.
Oh, what a story, we were on phangan for holidays at this time, your story made me shake. Lucky you are in one way, hope you will be fine. Take care.
Beki, Is this campaign worth risking your life for ?
You know the system better than anyone, you know the locals and you know the mentality of the fools your fighting against. Their intention was to KILL you bro!. they wont hesitate to try again and they wont miss a second time !
I respect you for fighting your cause but you must understand that you are fighting against lesser mortals !
Maybe you feel that this is your mission and you will fight it to the end. If that is the case, then good luck to you.
You’ve always given me respect.
Therefore in deference to this I will advise you to save your own life by stopping writing and to ensure your safety leave our island because every new word you write only lays another inch of concrete on your road to oblivion and our businesses cannot suffer anymore bad news from your
f@#%ing junior school news rag.
If someone else doesn’t kill you, I will run you over.
hi guys out there,
please stop posting those sort of mystery comments here on the website without saying actually anything at all! it’s just not worth the effort as i will continue deleting these comments from some so called mysterious friends.
if you have something to say then please use common sense and simple english language so everyone reading it is able to understand what you’re trying to say.
just be straightforward and leave a simple message – thanks!
yeah, by reacting in this way, you are the big censor!
… maybe u set up this story, or u don’t?
… please reflect all of your story, there is some very weak stuff. U know, isn’t it?
it’s a very big field u are play on!
cu afriend
again … this is exactly the same comment poster as before. look at what he/she is trying to say. only mysterious questions and accusations without any real content!
so please reflect the real story to us 😉 what is the weak stuff you’re talking about? please enlighten us with your knowledge and send us over some real facts!
otherwise please stop posting as i will delete your nonsense. anyone agree with me?
all the best
well: I don’t agree!
“Well, hope you enjoyed the show and please come back soon as I plan to provide more updates on this story in the close future – promise ;-)”.
is it real, Neal ! ?
cu another friend
well … come on guys. now you want to play word tricks on me as i used the term ‘hope you enjoyed the show’. do you think i made all this up by myself? please don’t be ridiculous, okay?
and like bill hicks once said … it’s just a ride 😉
but all the facts written here simply reflect the truth and nothing but the truth! if you can provide evidence to the contrary then please feel welcome to post your facts to what really happened, okay!
greetings & fun
I have seen baseball bats for sale on Koh Phangan—-go check out a temple market party sometime. In every street market in Thailand there is always an assortment of pain inflicting devices decoratively displayed such as stubby baseball bats, brass knuckles, butterfly knives, retina burning lasers and flesh and bone chopping swords.
Baseball bat club choice must mean an American? That is the stupidest thing I have read since my subscription expired for the Bangkok Post!
If it had been a golf club then for sure Tiger Woods was behind the attack!
Yes i agree Becki you should delete all the stupid comments ya got my vote d uk
D-UK = muppet, stay out of local matters – you are visitor – not resident. do you really think a pit bull & a 200 BT machete ill keep u safe. this is getting serious – ppl taking sides; this island is a party place – f*k with my income & I f*k u – D-UK
D-uk are you a drug dealer? do you pay the police as well? you big gang-ster? prick
Your a clown m8 your not thai, but you are a chock wow i doubt you even make your money from parties just nothing better to do than talk trash well suck my balls d uk
the island dosnt need this website..im suprised it taken them that long to do what they did !!!!!! let ko phangan be.dont change it
you can’t comment on this whole situation with the view point of a tourist. From what I understand Beki has lived on the island for the better part of 15 – 20years , so Kohphangan is his home. These parties happen in his home town and affect people that he cares about. He is fighting a very worthy cause, these parties are destroying kohphangan ! you may think kohphangan doesn’t need to change, but you are wrong. It needs to look back 10 years and become what it once was. Its pure social induced fear that stops the true locals from speaking out. Beki doesn’t not hold that fear and unfortunately has found out the hard way what happens when you get involved in this kind of situation.
and if you feel that this island does not need a website – what are you doing posting comments on it ??????
just ignorant and stupid comment… use your brain! open your eyes
Don’t change it?
On the contrary: I think Becki was the one who was attacked for being the *conservative*?
I recall Ban Tai being peaceful no long ago at the height of FMP on the island.
trying to “fix” Thailand will only leave you injured and angry. Just enjoy the island and if you want to “fix” something then go to India.
with a post like this, please tell me you are not still in Phangan?
If you are you will get killed!
Usually when people have a website like this they do not advertise the owner of the website, wherever it may be in the world.
You stupid, stupid, stupid man.
of course i’m not on koh phangan at the moment. i’m currently in one of our secret underground military bases setup in S.E. Asia.
posting a picture of myself is okay as my identity was wide out in the open since so many years and i think another picture of myself doesn’t do that much harm after all.
won’t you agree?
Ralf, you are going to die soon
I know where you are.
I have found a perfect way to watch you.
As my name implies better write an additional requirement in your will regarding having a definite closed coffin.
My personal involvement has been meticulously planned and all the tools and equipment are in 100% excellent working order.
Just needs the “right moment” and I think it’s going to be very soon, comrade.
Why India? Becki’s home is on Koh Phangan not India so I understand him. But if things do change on Phangan it won’t be just because of one person. Please Becki, I am one of many people who love you who don’t want to see you hurt anymore. If the other villagers are not going to complain then you are contributing way disproportionately to the cause no matter how just it is (and I do think you are fighting a just cause). Consider stopping doing them the favour that they do not deserve.
Noam Chomsky said about Iraq: They do not deserve democracy because they did not fight for it. Similarly perhaps the village does not deserve peace because they are not fighting with you.
If your assailants get caught and put in jail it won’t help because there are plenty more idiots like that. Them being idiots getting jailed is is not going to resurrect you from the grave.
Ask yourself this: Did you believi in “PLUR” and other hippie PsyTrance bullshit when you decided to settle on the island? If so then perhaps you should be angry with yourself not with them. Or perhaps not angry: be happy that you are growing and learning and that they are not.
Bat Man do you like it?
they try to shot your Asss!!
i like it very much hahahahaa!!
hansa resort.
I bet you do like it very much, gong aka kenny 😉 thanks for posting this message … CU soon & prepare your ass 😉
go back to germany,, if you want to get old…
dont put yourself in danger..
they wont stop play mafia with you!!
be clever
Since Jesus Christ died due to his mouth,
We fear for you too, dear Mr. Ralf,
mayhap the time will be no more
for you to wander along our shore;
no reason to believe that you’ll be spared,
continue as before only twice as scared,
continue ruining innocent lives,
milk, books and rice our children deprived.
The food chain is complex, but please be sure,
your hate/terrorism will destroy no more.
I fucking love Kenny and i hate you more than Hitler did the jews.
I’m gonna come round your house silently when yopu maint so fucking tuff and slice out your vital organs and fuckin eat them in front of you while you die, then kill all your cunty german friends
Yeah man! Kill alll krauts, easy to take BATMAN out now we have a good photo. Poison his wound then kill the cunt!!!
Shut up you stupid little “BOY”, go back to your mother so she can teach you how to act again, fool. PATIHAN
Gong (kenny) you think it’s funny,or is someone impersonating you. you own Hansa resort? maybe someone should start a blog about hansas owners sense of humour, westerners will come in droves.
Dear Anonymous
it is no germany for beckman to go back.
because There are more than 10 reasons why Germany is NOT paradise!!!
You know there is a history of intimidating and killing Farang in Thailand and on the mafia island of KPG.
You are not the first and wont be the last.
You cant bring your civilized western mind to Thailand and expect justice. Life is cheap in Thailand,, I think the going rate is 1500 baht. 3 days after they kill you no one will care and only occasionally toast you at a bar.
Please make sure you dont get hurt.
Just move to a different island.
KPG is dirty and the water is nowhere as clean as it was in the mid 80’s when i fist came here.
Hadrin was so beautiful then… now its like a disgusting Miami beach.
and the people that come are some of the most integrity lacking scumbags the world can produce.
They all come here to hide from the previous bad reputations.
Jeesh KPG is not worth fighting for.
If you want to do good and touch peoples hearts then India is your place.. then you just go to Thailand for vacation…
Dear Becki,
First thing that i want u to keep in mind is where you from? You’re not Thai and koh phangan doesn’t your hometown, how u r going to solve the problem. Do you understand Thai language? Do the local people asking you to help them? Do you understand the real problem? I don’t think so, we know the problem and let our government to do they job. Please don’t try to be the hero, we don’t like people like you to come in our county and do what ever you want to do that not your option. U do the website for what? I think because u want to earn the money from advertise, so u write the bad thing to get more people interesting by doesn’t care what ever it take. U write the bad thing and what is your evidence, only your word doesn’t prove anything.
That the reason why u r being shot because you doesn’t know the truth and keep write the bad thing to blame all thai associate or thai government that is unacceptable for us. Even anywhere in the world, if you also do like this in another place around the world try to discredit the place where you’re living you will get the same result like this.
This kind of guy(becki) will do anything to get the profit for his self. Why he can live in koh phangan for a long time before because thai people are friendly and we are welcome the tourist from around the world. But not anymore for tourist people like becki, I suggest that you go back to your home country. We r not welcome the people like you no more. Pack your bag, go find some other place that no one can remember what r u doing here before cause u might have to leave again if you’re doing this kind of shit again.
Thai People.( กูคนไทย จำไว้ให้ดี ไอ้ห่าเบ็ค ควย)
To Peace,
You are Thai resident here. Do you know that Koh Phangan have problems which need to improve for keep our paradise island for the long last..as possible. Ofcause we always wish for our local authority and govenment to help us to solve this problem but it takes time for some years already… and you know right that some polices and some of govenment people they are corrupted ( such as ignore their duty our complained and regarding money involved)
I understand why you don’t like Becki as he mights sound negative when I write something negative about Koh Phangan ( but it’s true, isn’t it? ) and I believe that he would like us to help our own paradise island back to the real paradise again. I don’t believe that he is the guy who do anything to get himself profit.
I can see of his point of ” Party topic” If you read carefully that he doesn’t have any problem with the parties at all but we..the resident here need the party oganisers to organise the party zone. If the party oganiser could do that then I am keen that Becki would have a good, possitive post for the paties here.
By the way, the way of your word here seem like you are good person even you seem to have a very negative for Becki 🙂
Amen xx
AT least in germany i can smoke a fatty with no fear land in jail.
i usually don´t get shot there,too.
Next on the stage was a local Thai guy called Gong from Hansa Resort in Baan Tai village who happens to be a close associate with the Half Moon Festival Empire. His speech was quick and dirty and he simply suggested to have parties everywhere and all the time. Koh Phangan is a party island and parties bring lots and lots of money and therefore we should all make parties all day & night long! Awesome 😉
is this above msg are come from your”Techno Party Zone Madness Report Part 2″ Bat Man??
why you report to damage the people?
In the meeting they want to shut down every party down to 1 time per month. And i disagree with this. After i introduce my self i say “it’s doesn’t matter how many time to make the party per month. It’s all about where they make party. If they make noisy party in the wrong place only 1 night is already too bad and unacceptable” every body screaming and clap their hand with happy. Then i continue “but if the party make in the right place not make any noise any problem. why we don’t let’s them make the party they can do every day every night because the party bring money to our village” every body quiet and silence until they woo on me ”no no everyday party you are crazy” and woo on me.
I’m not kohphangan local I’m from Bangkok. I am the only one on the meeting who speak Thai Bangkok they all speak Thai southern. I guess my self there is no one understand my Thai Bangkok. I feel like I’m staying in some where in Africa village. It’s better for me to let the local deal with this. then I go back to sit on my place.
I have witness to prove all my word.
This Bat Man cut and changes my word with my picture on this website.
What is his problem?
It is fun to talk and gossip some one else problem. And act like these owner story are stupid.
You and your friends here make fun on us.
you think most of Thai people here are stupid.
I like the point of your website but I have no idea that how’s your website can be good for this phangan island if you keep slander people with your partiality report.
Batman In the list of top 10 reasons why Koh phangan is not paradise.
What do you mean Buddha face??
do you have any explanation for all my question?
Hansa resort
I have spent many years in Thailand.
The people are nice till the eventually are not.
These are primitive people who by luck live in a gorgeous place.
I would not invest too much hope in them.
When the king moves to a better world the civil war will begin.
thats to the point.
This is not the Land of Smiles it maybe used to be 30y ago.
We are merely tolerated here because of the money that can be siphoned off us. This is a country where foreigners are considered open game for any locals to exploit, cheat or increasingly now also kill for financial gain.
The increasing violence towards foreigners, in particular in Phangan, Samui and Phuket, together with the strongly biased attitude of both local authorities and people against foreigners is starting to show more and more.
The greed is stronger every Year I came.
Bur fortunaly Thailand is just a small Country in the world, Lots of other nice places with nicer people around. So who cares in Thailand any more?
hi gong aka kenny from the hansa resort,
well … so first i want to appologize if i understood your thai words wrong and published wrong information on this website. again sorry … but my thai language also not so fluent and other thai people translation probably also not so good. anyway … sorry again and thanks for clearing things up here!
so … good point made … move the parties to a quiet place … sounds awesome 😉 but then i want to ask you why are all the parties still in and around baan tai village? why don’t you move to a more remote location? this is all the people ask for since many, many years but i still don’t see improvement done by party organizers! instead all parties get more and more loud every year even the half moon party.
next … i don’t report to damage people! i just report how people on the island damage themselves and others. i just inform others what is happening on koh phangan island so they have a picture on what they can expect!
it is some local thai people on phangan who do most of the damage. i just report and this sadly doesn’t give phangan a very good reputation. but you always have the option to do something good on the island and then i also will report about that. well … in the past didn’t see many good things happening so nothing good to report … unfortunately 🙂
please don’t understand me wrong i would really like to publish more postive news about koh phangan island but in the last few years the island went really shitty! especially you party organizers in and around baan tai village acted like you have no respect at all for your neighbors around you in the village. didn’t you? you just use the protection of corrupt local police and kept on doing whatever you were doing. you felt sort of above the law … just totally over the top! don’t you agree?
people ask to change something with party since many many years … did you listen? did you ignore? did you think about your neighbors? well … i don’t think so and please correct me if i’m wrong – thanks!
but finally it is amazing to see what a fantastic effect this small website can have … and i’m proud of this! i don’t want to call you guys stupid or whatsoever … i also don’t want to make fun of you. but actually you also didn’t act in a smart way too … and finally the only answer some party organizer has was to come at my place in the middle of the night and shoot a bullet in my arse which you enjoyed so much. again not the smartest thing to do! don’t you think there would have been other possibilities? but that ship is sailed …
so finally … again … don’t make only nice and sweet talk … get all the parties out of baan tai village to a remote location and let your thai neighbors sleep again! this nightly techno terror since 3 years is more than enough, can you agree?
but as i know the island since so many years and know all that nice & sweet talk i expect everything to be back to normal in a few weeks or months and half moon is back on track. you will keep bribing the local police like nothing happened and will just look the other way …
if you’re planning on real party improvements then please let me know about … write an article and let thai people know about your plans to improve the current terrible situation. stop the sweet talk … start doing something NOW and help make koh phangan a better place again 😉
finally my name is becki or beckmann not batman … that’s the friend from superman.
well …we wait and see what is going to happen! also remember that all party after 1 am is illegal and only possible with the help of your good police friends and they won’t help you for nothing … they want these tiny sheets of printed paper as an exchange for their protection. also … most thai people in baan tai village don’t benefit from parties in any way! ask my thai grandmother about that … ask how many thousands of baht she already earned because of you party people. how much would you guess?
so please don’t say that the whole village benefits from the parties. this is simply nonsense!
so have fun in the sun
“Bad Man” it’s getting colder in Thailand, please take a lots of clothes on and don’t leave your small quarters. You made already to many friends in a country which is not your home!
Hey Becki
You have to buy gun i have 2 shot gun i can sell you 1 ok?
if you close your web-site..!!!
you probably have chance to stay on phangan peacefully!!
if not..?!?, dont go back..!!!
you are dealing with brainless YABA adicts..!!!
the guy who’s going to be the faster one to fuck you up, will be the hero then!
maybe there will be big money bets…!!!
glad to hear your on the mend becki,
lets hope this is an end to the threats and attacks on you.
stay safe
hey marswalker are you another fucking german moran..
actualy i am not german, but i can see by your elequent use of the english language that you are very well educated and just to smart for me, i am shocked you took the time to even reply to me. i am so honoured……
No worries Becki … it is the party organisers who are the one’s losing BIG money – not because of you but because there are less and less and less tourists coming to koh phangan because of all these stupid parties and corruption on this island which is killing Koh Phangan.
Well done for giving Koh Phangan a quick death party organisers – there are NO TOURISTS coming anymore and YOU are to blame. Congratulations I hope you are happy for killing your island.
Well done Party organisers you really have a good business strategy, hey.
And how can you be so bad to local thai people on the island – your greed is money.
You will need a spirit house for sure in the future …
Did you ever go to a temple.. or just a bank?
I will not return to this island of cover ups and corruption.
Those poor local Thai people – i wish them luck after Becki has gone …..
Good luck!
The gentleman has obviously got a daethwish for himself. If you read his and Beezle’s, who normally does all the gutter-press, arcives you will see. Unfortunately his style(?) is virtually unfathomable to even the most educated Thai and European due to it’s ambiguity, sarcasm and general bad English.
However if all the slandered formed a group he would be out of Thailand, definitely Koh Pha Ngan and probably his life cycle.
It won’t be long. I think the Thais won’t be waiting 10 years like a lot of their ancestors.
Give it a week…….
Bad english ha! This is how you spell death wish…
fuck me mate, I only fucking typed it wrong! Do you fucking love that dickhead kraut an’all?
I see in the nation that the thailand tourist authority TAT says the extra paries are to attract more tourists. What kind of tourists do they mean? tourists that seek the cheapest accomadation. tourists that take bungalows and are never seen by the hoteliers,tourists that take a motorbike and smash it because they are OOTH (out of their head)much to the delight of the renter!
some pricey hotels like santhiya,had salad resort panviman,rasanda,pariya,the sanctuary,sunset cove and mandalai attract customers with money to spend.How many of these customers would consider going to these parties and even the full moon for that matter?When the customers stop coming here because the ‘mafia’ and police togetherness has gone too far then the big hotels that have invested big money might get real mafia to come and have a word and not send a couple of ‘1500 baht boys’ for a speech. mr Rasanda, mr Santhiya and paniman are you okay with your island police? are you okay with the illegalities,drugs and corruption or because your customers don’t frequent these parties it’s not your problem! WRONG, enough of these stories and the tourists will simply go somewhere else. Less tourism means more crime, wake up and do something.
I agree that a baseball bat may be bought quite easily around thailand. I do not understand why no one has mentioned if the baseball bat has been fingerprinted? fingerprinting has been around for 2000years for identification purporses.However,it’s only in the last century with more sophisticated techniques that fingerprinting in crime cases can be used. also the help of DNA testing sometime in the mid 80’s helped massively. now what’s the key word here for this attempted murder? Fingerprinting, DNA or Last century? none of the above it’s sophisticated or lack of. Are the german or bangkok police interested in this baseball bat and the fingerprints that might remain?
Can someone from the surat thani government have a vote from all the registered residents and then all the hotels if they want the parties. if so can that same government decide what hours the parties are allowed to operate and then the location of these parties. probably not a good idea to move the full moon at this time but certainly worth a thought. Is it true that the backyard couldn’t operate due to cocohut on leela beach objecting to the noise. how the fuck did they manage that. stopping the noise in had rin but not in a residential area with 100’s of families and businesses. maybe speak to cocohut and find out how they managed it. the more we can ask these sorts of questions with answers the quicker these parties will have to move. If they don’t think of a new location maybe just maybe they will close anyway. Their arrogance might be their downfall.
Stay well beckman. i hope the thais in ban tai stand up for their rights,for themselves and for you. it seems they are all a little quiet and scared.
Well Well Well…………….
Really glad your well Becki.. I wish you a swift & full recovery.
Some of the threats made on this site are confusing to me… some look as if they are written by Europeans acting like they are Thai… Some of the words written would just never come into the Thai’s vocabulary. So to all those people , assuming I’m correct, stop writing your f**king rubbish, it’s pathetic.
I’m also assuming that you’ll go back to KPG Becki and not let this stop your cause, I would definitely be very, very careful though, you know how it is… Maybe worth waiting a while to see if this coverage changes anything with the local police… or “even” that the people who did it or more to the point ORDERED it get caught or not… Take Care & Good Luck – PATIHAN
Do all of you know about ip. tracking, i think not.
Today it is very easy to find you via your ip adress, so think again before you give death to somebody on the net, you have a sender adress att to your mail.
when do Bangkok and surat wake up and clean the wallet ( kpn police station )
I am married to a Thai, I know my place when I am out there, dont get involved with matters that dont concern you.
Keep on smiling and being polite and mai pen rai
what a bullshit, are u a man or a mouse?
even the “lovely” thais have to learn something – and of course i love them!
thank you very much,
to the guy how shot becki…!
we partypeople on phangan having a great laugh, and fun, that someone shoot Beckis ASS !
they made a new ASS_HOLE on you.
so know you got 2 ASS_HOLES….
i heard your GEY, so now you got a new hole,to play..! ASSHOLD !
the game is not over yet…
you were asking for this trouble!!!
also Fuck off from the island now!
DU WIXER wolltest es so..
A lot of goofy comments! It’s to bad that the party organizers cannot get along together and set up a party zone in a remote area of the island. That would be the problem solved. Otherwise everyone will loose and all parties will be stopped…
Cheers and try to be more constructive with comments! Glyn
This bullshit need’s to be sorted out before the tourist industry really does start to get effected , people have to realise that just shooting someone for opposeing there views is not the answer and will solve absoloutley fuck all , apart from bring more unwanted attention on the themselves and the party’s . Party’s do play a huge role here on Koh Phangan and bring alot of income to the island so stopping them is a stupid idea , as it won’t only effect the party organiser’s but everyone liveing on the island , moveing them is a great idea as long as the local people are happy and there can be a peacefull agreement made , it would be nice to see that happen , but only time will tell . And to all the people who can only write negative comments about koh phangan , why the hell do you stay on the island anyway ? I dont personally know mr Beckman , or get involved with anything like this as i don’t believe it’s my place to try and change anything here but i think it is very honourable what he is trying to achieve for himself and the local people in Baan Tai village , so i wish him good luck and hope there can be some PEACEFULL solutions made here in the future.
dear alex aka DJ satwah,
well … i’m glad to hear that you and your beloved evil party friends on the island are having a great laugh about my second asshole. i really hope you enjoy that and have something to really giggle about for the moment being 😉
what saddens me a bit is that you and your friends still don’t get the big picture in any way. this is no longer about some stupid parties on the island of madness … no longer about the terrorizing of the local village people on koh Phangan and bribing the police officers which you are so proud of in the end … also finally kicking becki off the island as I deserve this or like you put it … have been asking for …
yes … the game is not over yet. I totally agree! Every human soul … well actually not sure if you have something we call a soul … has to travel a long, long journey to finally arrive safe back home. Every action you do will indeed have instant consequences and you program the path of your personal journey every single moment. Probably … better say sadly … you still don’t seem to be aware of that!
So please enjoy this tiny moment of victory for you and your party friends but always be aware of the consequences. Please watch the show unfolding on the island of madness … enjoy … it’s your party island now … continue as you wish … hope you’re satisfied and wish you best of luck … people like you will need this 🙂
Also … becki is not gey … if I would be it is called gay 😉 so some English lessons would also be an option to improve yourself in some way or the other.
Have fun in the sun alex 😉
See you around next time … wer zuletzt lacht lacht am besten 😉
DJ S., you’re a shame for all farangs on Koh Phangan.
Your comment reflects very clearly the level of you party people, congratulations, well done!!!
ip track me and I’ll blow up your fucking house cuntybollox
Leave Satwah alone, he’s a better kraut than the rest of Becki’s Fan Club!
what do you mean becki by keep saying please watch the show unfold!!! you are the show..you will never beat these people ..!!! should of moved to a quieter part of the island and lived happily ever after.now what ya gonna do???
Shut up little boy and go play with your toys, “cuntybollox” how old are you? 10? get a grip on yourself, sounds like you need to go home and get that grip on reality back 🙂 good luck PATIHAN
Ditto. It’s people like you that have already fucked up KPG, go stay in Ibiza or somewhere. PATIHAN
The above posting was aimed at Dummy 7’s reply which I have to agree with. PATIHAN
DJ SATAWAH – Seriously now, look at what you wrote!!!! How childish is that!!! How old are you? 6,7,8? How long you been on KPG for? 5 minutes?
Go home and stop spouting your shit on here!!!
If someone shot you, do you think all your party “friends” would be laughing…? awwww, actually, they probably would……… 🙁
Just had a look at your my space page, I notice how many references you have to Buddha, Ganesh etc etc etc
Why put those on there and then act like you are?
tourist must be horified to read this site .if they do a bit of research before they go and come acrross this!!!! im talking about the people who come for a 2 week holiday or shortstayers.the ones who realy spend spend the money here…but a great site for the longtermers here..hope this is kept as an individual case .and dosnt normaly happen to your average tourist who comes to the island.those of us who live here or spend many months of the year here im sure this comes as no suprize. maybe should have to join this site to view the content and just keep the news coming to those in touch with the isalnd.and not let the tourists see this….long live phangan xx
It’s all about money!!!
Once you have a couple of baht in your pocket you can’t stop and you don’t give a shit about anyone!! I would say that this is the typical Koh Phangan style and I can’t see that changing before they change the big guys running the Island…Hopefully this will be spread to the world and the big boys in Bangkok needs to take some action from the preasure outside!!!
New reports from the Nordics countries says that the travelling to Thailand has decreased with 30% due to all the shit happening there!!! Thiland is not the what is was 10 years ago!!!!
hello from germoney again.
i am reading kpg-news since a few years and was visiting kpg many times .
this party-war that you have started , IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS !
if you like a silent place for sleeping , choose another place .
anyway you live in baan tai since 17 years.
your there as a foreign guest .
so behave like that .
if some thai-guy , living in germany , start a website and write bad things about german businesses like you .
no one would kill you .
it’s not german style.
but the germans , same as thaipeople , do not like strangers who put their noses too deep in local shit.
so , stop your stupid privatwar and go to india ,
because in germoney are more then enough stupid people like you.
sorry , for my angry words !
long live the king !
Hi.. Long live the king!
Well I can understand your point but try to put your feet in Becki’s shoes. He lives here for 17 years and we ( people in the village) do like him as he is really care for us and he helped us to rise up for the right. We weren’t happy to have party in the village even we love to go to party sometime as we hardly sleep of this techno loud music for all night long. ( each party sometime make more than once a month, could be two times or few times a month, and could you imagin please how many nights that we could have really good sleep ? )
The thing is the people here are not happy but we don’t brave to rise up for us regarding the black authority or party oganiser.
By the old time, I don’t like the guy who name Becki too. He didn’t look friendly and he speak really too stright but after I get to know him then I can like him as he is sincere even I don’t like his straigt language sometime.
So… sometime what you see it is not the reality, it is not like your first thought.
Somehow, people are different , different thinking, different opinion but belive me that he doesn’t do anything bad to the village. So please don’t be so emotionaly angry at what he did;)
Kohphangannews.org fanclub
dear Kohphangannews.org fanclub !
chris is my name and i hope the king may live long because he is a really good man and he is what unites the people of thailand .
one night in december 2007 , i stould at the corner of 7/11 in baan tai .
about 5 o’clock in the morning.
i don’t know the name of the party , happening next to your place but
i was thinking about the possibility of a psytrance-party next to a sleeping village in germoney.
believe me that’s not possible.
so i really can understand your point of view !
but i do not know the guy who calls himself becki personally.i only know what he is publishing on his website.
so i am not able to decide if i like him or not .
but i am with you that he have a straight speech.
in the article “lets get the party started”he is using very ugly speech!
i understand that he is angry , but words like “f..k you” or “hang tight”you can not say to someone.
or even write it on your page.
that heats the fire instead of cooling down.
so,i am not angry about WHAT he did!
i am angry about HOW he is doing it.
but after reading mr.kenny’s comment and becki’s reply , there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.
best regards to the” people of the village “.
and to becki:
ich hoff du wirst bald gesund!
…und halt den ball flacher!
Hi Chris,
Thanks for reply my comment. Nice one 🙂
I also don’t like when Becki used the word “fu.. or else but seem like it’s just the way he is. Guess, it is hard to change especialy when he is an old man!
KohPhangannews.org fanclub
screw you kohphangannews.org fanclub 🙂 you’re either with or against us 😉
hehehe …
i guess that our king “long live he” would support your words at all. the differents between european countrys and thailand is that you not a”guest” dosent matter how long you stay there. You become a sitisent With all human rights my friend… with no ripping off, no corupt things going on some of our people enjoy this freedom to be able to talk strate. You cant excuse the case in just writing “this is Thailand and not Germany”. Want we not make this place a better place for everybody? The island become just a corupt, about money careing island with people. If more people would open their mouth and stand up would not just shut up, the word would be a better place.. alsow this small island on a small planet in an very unimportant sunnsystem somewhere at the outside of the galaxy.
“long live the king” and his loyalty to the suffering people of thailand.
i’m sure this comment is not from
thats why this site sucks soomuch..,and any idot can be someone else…!
and producing allot of scam,plus upsetting people for alll this brainless comments!
real KINDERGARTEN site..
Ok, somebody here wrote maybe the text from DJ SATAWAH , it was not from him. So I want to reply to the guy who wrote this text and have DJ SATAWAH ‘s name 🙂
It’s sadly that you still couldn’t understand what Becki been doing for? Is it very difficult to understand about the word of ” respecting” ? I also do love party like you guys do but please not in the village. I don’t mind if the music is not so loud but for the techno party it has to be loud right? so it would be really nice if you the party oganizer could organise the party zone where couldn’t disturb people in the village.
You don’t seem like a good person. ( brainless)
So you heard that Becki is gay and have a new asshold, maybe you should to try one and let guys to try your new hold 🙂
hi beki, i got the worsest shock about hearing the next day “beckman got shot, you know” i was like paralised for fiew minutes… 1000 of thoughts running thrugh my head… knowing no detail, nothing about bekis situation.. alive or in grear danger? fighting even not for him selve, fighting for the helth of his village and getting shoot.. whats wrong wigh the world? anyway i found out asap that he is not in life danger and will get better soon…. this chainges nothing on the fact that there is something going the wrong direction on Kohphangan. suffering sitisent for some people wanna party.. party is the idea of fun for everybody and not just a croud of party heads. so my friend bekman is my personal hero and example for humans fighting for human rights without care of his own savety. he dident hurt anybody and tried a peycefull way to change this party situation in this small village on a small island in thailand. reason to get shot? bekman…. god and buddha bless you and all good luck to you for all time. see you
Hi Beckman.
You are real i respect that.
Now we are understand the problem.
Regarding the Half moon party that create the sound problem to the island atmosphere.
Please know that we are always concern the sound distance problem form our party.
The island had economic growth faster more than our expectation.
Since last year we have brought 80 rai of land for our next party locations.
In real we only use the land to make party only 2 rai.so we have another 78 rai for the distance form people’s house. and we will keep this 78 rai for green. The eco friendly will be our philosophy for our business.
We understand that the sound are traveling farther than 78 rai of land that we have but we believe that the nowadays technology can fix the sound problem from disturbing the island.
We would like to inform that we need time to remove our party to the next place.
We will inform our time’s plan to remove to this website later.
Please understand that we have a lot of equipment to remove all thing and we have to Invest a lot of money into the new locations to improve our party Standard (road, electricity, infrastructure, car park, ambulance, all security, ect )
I hope this letter will make clear to everyone here and more understand our plan and positions to making this island to be develop with the most outstanding eco friendly in the future.
Best regards
Hansa resort,
Half moon music &dance festival
hi kenny,
thanks for your comment. very glad that you start to understand the party problem in and around Baan Tai village. the local thai people will surely appreciate your actions!
if you plan to publish more info about your half moon festival party plans in the future here on this web site then please sign up for a free membership account, log in and submit your article instead of posting a comment to an existing one. once I receive your submission i will approve your article and publish it on the website here. if you plan to attach some pictures then please send them via email to this address -> retard AT kohphangannews DOT org
you and the half moon team is more than welcome to join this website and help improve the music & dance community on Koh Phangan Paradise Island.
thanks again for sharing your future plans!
all the best & fun
Koh Phangan – Bantai
Fairplay to you for what you believe in have stood for there but I am afraid over there you will always be Farrang. Easy pickings for some, 90% of the Thais are decent, the trouble is the other 10% usually end up the tourist areas giving the rest of them a bad name.
They have got very greedy over the last few years. They wouldnt get away with half the things they get up to over there back In Issan.
Its a shame they just cant resort to a good old shouting much or punch up but as long as they hold onto saving face part of the culutre these things will always happen.
Wish you a speedy recovery, personally I wouldnt go back to the Island but thats up to you and the support you get from the local people back there.
I think it is very positive news what Hansa wrote about both moving the party, the amount of land purchased and also the eco sensitive approach. Thats great news. There is no problem having parties as long as they don’t affect too many people living on the island. I hope Kenny you can support Becki in allowing him back on the island without fear or retribution as I think you all seem to be thinking in the same way. It is sad that this shooting happened – I hope everyone – both farang and Thai can live in peace on the island. PEACE.
Positive news from Hansa, Kenny or Halfmoon?
B U L L S H I T ! ! ! !
Not even 3 weeks after an so called agreement is made they break it already, that’s the news. And that’s all but positive. Soon you people make somebody start a war!
One year on ….. Party Price gone up to 500 baht and the location doesn’t look at all as it would “Relocate” in the future, contrary.
Lucky I don’t live in Ban Tai
This has turned into a very interesting debate, sad news tha Beki got shot, but if we are honest we could see some sort of retribution coming his way few weeks off when the first signs of trouble started. it reminds me of about 9-10 yrs ago in had rin when a guy from liverpool caused a few problems and got taught a very harsh lesson fron mr Kow and his guys (i think they beat him and strapped hi to the back of a van with a sign around him and drove slowly round had rin while all the locls came out and smacked him) – so what im trying to say is theres no fire without matches. i fully understand whats happening and the situation thats currently happening, and fair play to Becki and the ban tai locals, i know i wouldnt put up with it!! no pain no gain, and for the pain becki has gone through sticking up for what he believes in looks like it will work in his favour. Thailand will always be the same the country over though, where theres money involved theres a desperate need to keep hold of tht income by any means and this has shown what by any means actually means!!
Now as for the stupid comments posted on here it relly looks like these young thai lads have got their silly little slapper foriegn girlfriends to write the comments for them so my message to you is very simple. to the guys, you should know better, this is your island and you re fucking it up , jit mem!! and for your silly little farrang lady friends – he yai he men japai lao!! eee dok!! ask your idiot boyfriends to translate cos i doubt you can actually speak thai!!
Word up Becki, keep it going, and keep it real!!
Finally the debate has reached the right level.
Ko Phangan is the Party Island for definition but not all the people living here are “party animals”. And every inhabitant of this wonderful island has to make all the efforts to understand each other and to live together in harmony and peace with mutual respect.
Said that, the real question is how to conciliate the fair right to organize the parties with the fair request of the people living around the parties areas to have a good and deserved sleeping, especially after a day of hard job.
So, the decision made by the Half Moon Party organizers to buy new land and move there the party, taking into account also the care for the surrounding environment, must be really appreciated by everybody and considered by all the other parties’ organizers.
Moreover, it’s very important the question about the eco-friendship connected to the parties. Ko Phangan is a beautiful island and its natural beauty must be preserved. The tourists come to the island not only for the parties, but above all because of its gorgeous nature.
Forests, waterfalls, white sand beaches, clear waters are the real richness of Phangan which, combined with the parties, make this island unique in the world.
And everybody, both Thais and farangs living here, have to keep it in mind, making all the efforts to maintain the island so beautiful forever.
I really hope that, from the awful event such the shooting of Becki, a lesson will be learned by all the people living in the island. A mutual understanding and respect will help to make this island a real paradise in which Thais, farangs, “parties animals”, families, old persons and children can live together in harmony enjoying the wonderful beauty of Ko Phangan.
A Phangan’s lover
“Welcome back to Koh Phangan Island News – the one and only independent website exposing the awful truth about the island of madness.”
“I felt a strange feeling at the left side of my pelvis just next to the hip. And then another BANG … BANG! Three shots were fired in total but Becki only got hit once. Not three times like it was reported in the press!”
This is the question now on the “Storyteller Island”
Beckman, the news of your shooting affected me deeply. I can only assume that you have often wondered what it would be like to be shot. Now you know. Congratulations on surviving it so skilfully! You are so brave. I wish you a full speedy recovery. I am glad you are back to reporting the awful truth. Of course you will stay here. With no gun. It is great this intense experience has made you feel loved.
There is a myth going around (touted by people who like to party) that these parties are important to the economy of this island. They are not. Very few people on this island benefit financially from parties, either directly or indirectly.
What goes on around Haad Rin is a separate issue, as that village was constructed to accommodate revellers attending the very famous full moon party.
I live in Ban Tai. I can honestly say that the almost constant boom boom from the parties does not affect me or my children to any great extent. The daily challenges I face far exceed this annoyance. BUT there is a rather squeaky fan in our bedroom which is driving me to distraction, so I can empathise. (Yes, I have tried oiling it. It only keeps the noise down for a day and then squeak squeak again.)
I suggest that the Ban Tai parties are possibly not always as profitable to the party organisers as everybody assumes. (Despite the awful noise they make!) And these organisers have probably, up to this point, not been able to admit to themselves the extent to which their friends and neighbours are upset by their noisy business efforts.
For each party the organisers have to arrange dates, flyers, advertising, staff, sound system, sort out the djs arguments, decide who they will allow to deal drugs at their party, stock the bars, get their making noise license, pay police bribes, put up decorations, hire security, arrange refreshments, and even clean up afterwards. These are probably not people particularly accustomed to acting successfully in the business world. Add to the burden of managing it all, the idea of relocating their parties out of Ban Tai, and I suspect they suffer brain overload.
I do not assume it is greed motivating their apparent refusal to acknowledge complaints. It is fear of change and fear of losing their perceived status and recently achieved livelihood.
As I said, the parties really do not bother me personally, but party organisers listen to this. I have reports that people in Ban Tai are giving their children drugs in an effort to help them sleep through your noise pollution. This is desperate behaviour.
Now is an opportune time for you to demonstrate that you care. Limit the noise pollution in and around Ban Tai village. And stop shooting Beckman! If you try you can find new business partners and new venues for your fun parties. Or you really could turn down the volume a bit. Or whatever! Party on Beckman.
dear Erica you must be hard of hearing and sight for that matter, referring to your comments regarding the parties not making much money. didn’t you read Kune kenny’s comments writing abou how they the half moon goons have purchased 80 rai. where did that money come from. maybe they don’t pay the police as much as first thought. have you seen the 4x4s they drive about in. ummm. shall we have a whip round for them? next meeting at wat po lets have a collection for the party organisers shall we. get real. get well becks and kune kenny, why have you so swiftly changed your tune? because you have a hotel that the odd farang might come to? HARMONY means in peace with nature and neighbours, neighbours are in your case are the ban tai villagers, at least change your name to the Disharmony Team.
do you qurestion the trough of beckmanns storry? he is one of the less not lieing persons on kpg.. so plz respect and keep it real becky… we r all behind you
well, all u so koh phan fans & friends of the once,twice or bum, bum, bum shoot at “poor overweight (?)….
the game is not: farangs. ban thai people & party edicted!
There is one more party in the game, I call the party KOH PHANGAN.
There was a game called “Monopoly”.
Here on this Island its called “KOH PHANGAN MONOPOLI”
There are some new rules:
— new airport on every side (north, ….,)
{still in pllanning since < 1999 } ... bailout ( north, west, east & south) ..... & don't forget to take the big win, it's called: the THAI PEOPLE, BORN & LIVING ON KOH PHANGAN. KHROP KHUN MHA KAPP
KPG is not worth fighting for.
Its dirty and attracts the sleaziest people in the world.
The beach is dirty and the water is dirty.
The sewage from samui is in the water.
Hey Becki, I think it’s great that your getting such a big responce to this post!
Its also very good to see that the Half Moon orginizers are taking some positive steps to help resolve the noise problem. Good on ya guys!
Unfortunatly not all of the party orginizers have seen the light and I suspect the Half Moon folks will just be painted with the same brush. I think you will need to go the bat for them if that happens. (not a bat joke)
Really glad to see some positive news emerging. Cheers mate, wishing you a speedy recovery.
How do the Thai people of Koh Phangan allow ‘outsiders’ from Bangkok to create so much trouble and disrespect to the people of this island. I just dont understand it. If someone should be shot it should be those people from Bangkok who make these problems!
Good words coming from Kenny, well done Becki and well done Kenny 🙂
Happy Days
Sorry you got shot.
Couple of things:
1. Thailand, like all third world countries, is very corrupt. Whilst it is a third world country, it always will be corrupt. Nothing we can do about that. So what do you hope to achieve by posting actual photos of someone’s face and saying ‘this person is corrupt’? I’m afraid the answer is probably nothing positive, apart from for those who sell the bullets, more of which are probably destined to enter your body.
2. Those who think the parties do not bring any money to the island apart from for the parties organisers are deluded! If the parties bring ‘no money’ to the island for anyone, please explain how 99% of accomodation and restaurants are full at full moon time? As well as any other business, motorbike rental, internet shops, laundry services etc etc etc. ‘Yes but they aren’t the sort who stay at Santiya’ Well fcuk me at 10,000 Baht per night i’m not suprised they don’t stay there, party-goers or not!
This island survives on tourism and the parties here are a major draw for tourists, simple as that.
i think you’ll find that it is only the full moon that attracts people to the island, not half moon, black moon or whatever else moon party they decide to think up!! the island always has filled up a couple of days before the party and then empties a day or 2 after. so i would dissagree with you on this one!! its just part of the lonley planet trail that people follow!!
I’m not sure where you are from Calarn, but I tell you, I live in Canada.
If you have been watching the news at all in the past six months you would have seen that corruption is rampant in western society too. The entire global economic melt down is due to western corruption.
If you have a mobile phone in your country I suspect you’re getting seriously ripped off and you just accept this as being normal.
It’s unfair to point fingers at the petty Thai stuff when it’s no different where you live! The difference in Thailand is that it’s way cheaper to bribe or pay off folks… In the west business pays big to corrupt the political processes.
As for getting rid of the parties, No one is trying to get rid of them, just have them move to a more remote location so that the Ban Tai community can sleep at night.
Dear Pha-ngan news.
is there any news on the ‘investigation’ of this attempted murder. I know in the Nation the police chief said the armed lads just came for a ‘chat’. As a farang myself am pretty concerned that someone can come to where you live shoot you and nothing seems to be done. This is very serious and there must have been lots of forensic evidence that should have been collected. the two young boys are obviously long gone or worse as they would be able to say exactly who encouraged them to do this.
The poor villagers of ban tai need to stand up together peacefully and ask the powers that be in bangkok why this happened and why the authorities including the german embassy seem less concerned than most of us would like.
Contrary to a lot of your opinions Ralf Beckman did not deserve this, only complete idiots would think like this and his hope and reports only ever tried to get the parties moved into a party zone area.This solution would have been absolutely great for everyone including the party organisers as, 4 lots of investment into one arena could have made the arena quite classy.probably then, get government approval and maybe even a license, might not even have to pay the police tax(dreaming) That all seems a bit logical. lesson for the day for all you thai speaking bullies, look up LOGIC- LOGICAL if there’s not a translation for this for you I would not be surprised. Stay well Beckman.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! At least someone out there on the net seems to have some brain 😉 thanks for the comment and yes … let’s keep this LOGICAL!
bang on, nice one!!!
why not just go back to anarchie and shoot everybody when ever we feel like… great development of human being.
hamse euch allen ins hirn geschissen. keiner soll erschossen werden. weder… noch… wo simma eigentlich gelandet.. klar in thailand aber das kanns doch nit sein… leute, schaltet euer hirn ein, oder was übrig ist.
ps.. ich weis auch warum dich keiner um dein zweites arschloch beneidet… weil die alle schon zu große ärsche haben und der anusbereich schon im hirn patz eingenommen hat und das hirn verdrängt hat. naja.. is nur ne theorie. aber wer weis. wenn es gott giebt dann stimmt auch diese theorie. grüße aus der heimat.
hi becky, hallo all people holding your back… KPG is a nice island and if if the local people choose to destroy there own invirement for a bit of money…. congratulations people.. well done… there is nothing against developing some place or even change the place… but to all ignorant party people.. you all can just fuck your selve… coming from israel, englend, germany, or else where… you are deffinetly not interestet in thai culture or there people… you just go to have a good party time, getting drunken or on druggs and leaveing all your rubbish and shit behind you… thats wat i expact from prople like you.. you got no brain, you are ignorant, desinterestet in culture, druggadicted and the best part is .. all of you think you are unique… you all a big mob of croude.. drest like Leonardo Di Caprio and in reality you just freetime wanna be freakes.
You r just wanna be travelers following the croude. all your boring stories witch you tell.. all your stupid behave based on party and ignornce. go to BOOM, SAMUTRACI, WOOVE, or else where… but leave KPG in peace…. if i could do it i would just give you an emty island with all druggs you might wanna take to have your good time and leave you there with no option to leave… i hate ignorance, dirty filthy stupid party heads and all problems wich brings it with it… you are all litle hitlers trying to overrunn quiet places. sorrry my english is very bad because i am from france and we not like to learn other languises.. why not all speake france.
hey douchebecks.
why don’t you want your disclaimer in your comments?
one hour ago i posted it again and now you’ve took it of again.
what will that mean to me?
it just means that i think you’re a moron as the disclaimer is just below every article so everyone can read it anyways if this is so important for you 😉
and for christ sake i will not delete your comment again to make you feel a bit happy. but if you continue to post such stupid nonsense then you can be very well assured that all your comments will get instantly removed from this website.
hope that helps & greetings
You said:
“I still refuse to have a gun as we don’t need those things anymore on our lovely planet. All you need is a strong and clear connection to the spirits and everything will be fine!”
Were you serious when you posted that sentence? Are you going to wear an amulet that stops bullets? Am afraid for you man because if that is your mind set your time on earth is limited if you continue this path calling the local police corrupt. These men who attacked you were not sent to kill you just send you a message or you would already be dead but am afraid you are starting a serious shit storm. I think it can only end badly. Man I wish you good luck from Toby in USA
As a regular tourist visitor to Koh Phangan from Bangkok, I have been absolutely amazed at how this little Island has changed over the past years, local Thaipeoples who were happy with leading sedate normal family lives have turned into money hungry fiends, that will stop at nothing in their quest for financial gains. All Thais on Koh Phangan just want own a 4 wheel drive pickup, all want big screen TV, all want lots of money, but look around you, all money come from farang, but you hate farang, you cheat farang, you sell farang cheap nasty drugs, you make big party noise that upset old ladies and children, your school on Island is one big filthy mess, Haadrin is like dirty shitty toilet, every where developer carve up island and build big hotel resort, when rain comes all land wash away into oceans, Island getting smaller and begin sink in sea, now we have nasty dangerous killer farangs who move to Island and also sell drugs, soon drug wars begin, then more dangerous mafia arrive and sell guns and then mafia war begins over party an drugs and then some more whores is arrive then nasty child mollester farangs come and the children not safe anymore…., alraedy strange many farang live in Koh phangan, just want drink and drugs and make fuck with ladyboys and whores so many in villages in north thailand can say my daughter and son got good jobs look all tv and fish farming and some nice jewellry for keep, but childrens are fuck farang and eating bad drugs wake up Koh Phangan people you are heading for destruction.
Jah wake up stoopid people of kohphangan you must find your God again now you make money your god soon soon, come some evils and destructions from filthy dirty fuck money, you make all farang look stoopid with cheap shitty drug shit, you sit in house and go ha hah aha, farang got no self control, ha ha ha my little children mak fuck fuck for farang me are get some more moneys for 4 x4 trucks and big screens tv for dirty sex fuck with old farang he got no hope for wife in europe he come here, make fuck with Thais, you have shame Thai people of Koh Phangan you know you you are, King very sad see Thai people so cheap an nasty no respect.
Becki, Why not start a new forum post where people who have been ripped off by certain parties can expose them and other travellers will know who to be wary of, or on the other hand if we have had exceptional service that deserves recommendation it can be done also.
Just a thought mate!!!!
The really good news is that the HALF MOON PARTY was shut down at 1:00 AM this Morning by are Tourist friendly police.
These arrogant assholes think that they can send someone to attempt to murder a long term local resident albeit a foreigner and things are back to business as usual.
Everyone is watching you(HALF MOON PARTY ORGANIZERS)especially the local resort operators whose businesses depend on the goodwill and reputation of Koh Phangan. Anymore damage by you to Koh phangan’s reputation by you will certainly reap vengeance from them.As you well know all Resort operators have a gun or two hidden on the Premises and I’m sure that they have enough money to acquire more capable individuals to protect there business interests.
So best you think long and hard about how you deal with this which you obviously didn’t do the first time.
You are a bit of a cunt arent you asking for someone to be shot. I am due in KPG in Jan and I hope I meet up with you cunt. It doesnt cost too much to beat you and get away with it cunt. See you soon CUNT
Your IP (Inteligence Potential) has already been tracked and soon your bottom will be smacked.
What a Dodo 🙂
Dude, i thought you would get into trouble sometime but this is mad! You really took the piss mind.
Pingback: Thailand’s Full Moon Parties Have Been Taken Over by YOLO Idiots | INTLFACES
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