19 years young British man drowned in Laem Son Lake on Koh Phangan Island
Well …. got really bad news again here on Party Island Koh Phangan. Friday the 23rd of April a 19 years old man from England drowned in the sweet water lake Laem Son at the west coast of Koh Phangan island.
The young British man went swimming at the lake with a couple of friends. Then he somehow got in panic in the middle of the lake and tried to hold on the rope which is tied up from one side of the lake to the other. His friends were trying to rescue him but unfortunately it was too late! So far there’s no reason known why he got in panic.
Later on the police and some local divers were called to recover the dead body out the lake. Lots of curious Thai bystanders showed up and one of them even started to sell coke, beer and ice cream on that special occasion – Amazing Thailand I would say 🙁
The Laem Son lake, once used as a zinc mine, is pretty deep with about 20 – 25 meters. After the local divers recovered the dead body their skin started burning and itching and they even had to go for medical treatment. Also the metal parts of the dive equipment changed into brown color and we can only assume that there is something going on down there!

My Thai friends all told me that it’s not good to swim there and that some people died from swimming in the lake.
This seems to be common knowledge for the locals. I hope the divers end up being okay
I Heard when I was in Ko Phan Gan this year that years ago hundreds of thai miners drowned in this lake and it is known by locals to be a haunted lake, you never see thai people swimming in this lake, I was wondering if anybody could confirm this story and if so if the Thais dont swim in it then neither should we.
There is a very narrow difference between paradise and hell sometimes.
Why must KohPhanagan take so many young happy lives……..
people MUST be warned about this lake, there are no warnings at all, a popular guide book describes it as beautiful fresh water lake, numerous web sites promote it, as do bungalow owners around the area. people have drowned in the lake before and will drown in it again unless more is done about it ! not only did the thais set up a refreshment stall but they also wouldnt let us get our friend out of the water on the land that they have been so happy to have onlookers stand on, they also followed the police truck that carrying his body on their motorbikes.
people be warned, ko phangan is a small piece of paradise, it makes you feel like the king of the world, like you can do anything, people are to busy watching out for the ‘dangers’ (as those lovely guide books like to call them) of people robbing them or rubbish like that, that they dont see the true dangers that are infront of them.
PLEASE when you go to ko phangan take care, two weeks before this happened on the first day of son cran a young french boy came off the cliffs on the way to hadd rin. this island takes to many lives, young lives, people that dont deserve to die in paradise !
thank you to phangan divers for all of their work !
‘Sort’ of bad news?! No offence but it was more than that to a lot of people. He was one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and this shouldn’t have happened. He was young, fit and healthy. People need to be warned about this lake, as this will happen again if nothing is done.
He shall be sorely missed.
Thanks for your comments, i am lukes older sister michelle, i will be traveling to thailand for my brothers aniversary, would love to see anybody that meet my georguos brother, we still cant come to terms with this loss, he was an amazing boy,
will be at the lake 23/04/05………….
I would just like to say thankyou for taking note of my last comment and changing your news report accordingly. Again all I can say is people need to be warned about this lake. No one should have to go through what all his many, many friends and family members just have. Please be careful if you do decide to go swimming there.
From the sound of it mate its an old zinc mine….and if you do your research you will realize that zink is quite a vicous corrosive!!
All it would take is a mouthfull or two of water and his internals would be burnt to shite.
I wasnt on KPG when this happend,nor did i know the kid….but to jump to the conclusion that he was off his face as you so bluntly put it is quite insensitive to his memory!
Not evryone who goes to the island is intent to get pissed,stoned or try the mushies…belive it or not some of us enjoy a bit of tranquility just living life str8!
As for the road to Haad Rinn…even if yuo dont class it as a death trap..wich i personaly do..the bikes hired out to tourist (some off anyway!)..are nothing short of manslaughter!!
Please dont speak ill of the dead in the future without doing your homework…MERCUTIO.
as i said, about the off their face part… he may not have been!!!! read closer!
Thanks for the zinc info as I’ll be back there in the next month.
If you read my post you will see that my beutiful son Luke did not smoke or take drugs in any form he was not “off his face ” I need to know what happened to mt son and I need to know that you are at least asking questions about the lake Why were the divers burned in the water what does it have in it that can harm a swimmer or a diver trying to find them
I hope you dont mind me getting on my soap box but I feel able to ask why now as I have been in a strate of shock for three months and am just begining to be able to deal with this horror
Please my friend read the post I left about Luke and you will understand why we are so distraught I need to know why someone like Luke who could easily swim that small Lake be dead and buried instead of celebrating his 20th Birthday on the 14th of August with his friends who were planning to come out there to join him for his birthday. iNSTEAD they will be standing around his grave with tears running down there young faces because they have loast their best friend in the world.
Please note rhat my brothers post mortom proved he had no substances in his body, he was young fit and healthy, it was just a very tragic accident that all his family are stilll trying to come to tearms with, please do not always asume the worst of teenagers they do not all take drugs…….
I am the mother of the 19 year old boy who drowned in the lake on the 23rd of April. I want to tell you a little bit about my son First his name was Luke Purcell
he was a bright and healthy boy who was devoted to both his parents and his sisters and brother. He worked hard at his exams and was rewarded with high marks he intended the trip to your land as a reward for hard work before he went to University to study Law. Luke was a loving friend to all who knew him hundreds of young people came to his funeral six of his close friends and family carried his coffin, he never smoked or took drugs he never disrespected anyone, he was an honest and trustworthy friend and son. I was shocked to read that someone set up a stall to sell drinks to people who gathered it was very very cruel and something Luke would not have approved of. I also want to say that my heart has been broken by the death of my beloved son. I want to send my thanks to the divers who tried to find Luke and to the Buddist Monks who took Lukes body and looked after it in the temple for 4 days I can never repay the act of kindness from these Monks they evenl let my other son Alan and Lukes friends James sleep on the floor to be close to Luke so I would know he was not alone . My family and I intend to visit your Island next April to puta memorial to Luke there if we are allowed or just some flowers if we are not . I hope this letter will help you to understad that Luke was a real person with a heart for your beutiful country I wanted to send a picture of him taken a couple of days before we lost him so you will see he was a person just like all of you are people Thank you to the person who left this message that I am responding too God Bless you xxxx
Yours sincerely
Mae Purcell
(Lukes Mum)
I have sent a picture of Luke to the web master I would like all of you to see and remember that ordinary people can be the victims of horrible accidents I want him to be remembered and respected I would like one of you reading this to put his picture at the Lake to warn swimmers that it may be dangerous in there.Please show the locals that we at least repect our young people who die tragic death. I am a christian I wish no harm to anyone there but I feel so gutted that it was viewed as a bit odd by the locals that we want to rescue our childrens bodies from the water. You all bring a lot of money to the island and the locals should be aware the costoms of British/ Europians / Americans / Austrialians
are not like their costom. If they want to earn a lot of money from you all let them be aware of our religious belief as well as us accepting and respecting theirs I hope to come in April but until then I send my regards to all of you in Paridise please take good care keep safe
Lukes Mum
I am the aunt of Luke Purcell, living in Australia. I promised my family that Luke’s death in the waters of your Lake will not be forgotten . I am taking action to inform both the Immigration Department here in Australia who post warnigs for intending tourists and the publications including Lonely Planet who aim to advise would be travellers of what is good and bad about many destinations. I know Luke would have spared his family this pain if he could and this is how we are going to address this issue of a polluted stretch of water, just as we would had it happened anywhere in the world. Water is not meant to burn and blister skin and rust diving equipment . And with all due respect if the local’s know it is not a good place why don’t the tourists? My sincere thanks to those who cared for Luke and his friends before and after his sudden death.
Auntie Kathleen
Luke Benjamin Purcell was my beautiful cousin. Luke was a very loved person by everybody who knew him. Like his mum and auntie, I want to express to everybody out there how tragic his death was. It’s very painful to think that people so young and pure can be taken for what seems to be no justifiable reason at all. We loved our Lukey so very much and that will never change. We miss you so much sweetheart.
Please anyone who is reading this site, be so very careful and look after one another out there.
God bless.
It was an ordinary Friday when I lost you Luke
I got up as usual went to work as usual
but I have never had an as usual day since Friday 23rd April 04
You came into my life a ten pound baby with a great push that tore my body
But it was nothing compared to the pain now without you
I look at your sisters and I see you
I look at your nephew Jamie and I see you in him
When will the Fridays stop hurting so much
there have now been 15 Fridays since we lost you Luke
a week tomorrow is your birthday 14th August a day I don’t want to see
a day without you here to celibrate reaching 20 years old
The total devastation of not having you anymore is more than I can stand
each Friday it is replayed in my mind
Four Fridays after you went we received the gift of a baby girl
That was a Friday that was somehow a little easier to bear
I asked everyone to be happy for that day, and they were.
Madaline is a beautiful baby and she looks like Jamie who looks like you
She is happy and thriving and she gets so many cuddles all day long
Everyone wants to cuddle her and be touched by her happy little face
Even the lads who are not fond of babies love her too.
Your friends are here for me and your brother and sisters like you knew they would be
your friend Shaun is now trying to be the new Luke but not able to be the way you were how could he
You were unique you were beloved you were Luke my son
fly with the angels visit me for a moment now and then love you forever Luke
i T WILL BE FOUR YEARS ON Wednesday 23rd Aril since I lost my son Luke on the island
I send greetings to anyone who remembers
we are all getting on with our lives and trying to get a sense of understanding it has got a bit easier but it still hurts on the anniversary of the day we lost him God bless you all and my love and best wishes especialy to to the diver called John who tried to hard to save Luke he will forever watch over you Johnxxxxx
what beautiful words from a Mum to her son, albeit it is 2009 I have just come across this site and I hope that Luke is showing you signs of him surrounding you. I am sure the pain never goes away, we parens should never have to bury their children and Luke RIP
from another Mum
Well my darling baby bro, it’s 10yrs today since we lost you and still not a day goes by without thinking of you.
Going to visit you in a min and take you some flowers, still dosnt feel real that you will never walk in my door again give me a big hug, and tell me ur starving!!
Love you Luke
Your big sis Michelle