Koh Phangan Shiva Moon Party Family finally forced to leave Baan Tai Village
Welcome back to Techno Party Battlefield in Baan Tai village at the south coast on Koh Phangan Paradise Island.
Well … finally we got really good news but first of all Koh Phangan Island News headquarters would like to send a massive and big THANK YOU to the local Koh Phangan community for their fascinating support and marvelous comments posted to our last article finally banishing ALL techno parties in and around Baan Tai village.
The full article ‘Techno Party Battlefield Baan Tai Village Koh Phangan Island’ plus all the comments posted can be found here – enjoy 😉
Koh Phangan Island News headquarters was indeed very well aware that this article would create some form of response from the local Techno Party community. Comments like ‘Beckman why you not go home to Germany? I think you are too long on the island!’ or ‘Who the hell is this negative guy writing this news thing? He seems to be really boring!’
Or even more astonishing remarks from our beloved Evil Shiva Moon Party Family douche bag Alex Satwah ‘Shut the fuck up Becki and Islander. We want party and don’t care a shit on people in Bantai and the other villages. This is our party island. Go somewhere else if you want to sleep. That’s the way it goes. That’s Thailand. Corruption is normal for Thai people. The Thai people get what they deserve!’
Well … what to say? Satwah deserves as Fatwa? Yep … fucking totally agree 😉
Also worth mentioning is an anonymous phone call from some Phangan Techno Party organizer we received a few days ago. Koh Phangan Island News Headquarters should better shut the fuck up! Be quiet and leave everything like it is otherwise something would happen! And someone would have to leave the island so you better watch your head!
So … what’s the good news then?
Finally after 3 years the Evil Shiva Moon Party Family Empire is finally forced to pull out of Baan Tai village. Juuhee 😉
After continuous and constant massive complaints to the higher authorities in Suratthani and also capital city Bangkok the corrupt local Koh Phangan Island authorities, district office & chief of police, finally got their asses kicked and were finally forced to indeed do something real about the all night long techno party noise disturbance caused by the Evil Shiva Moon Party Family here in Baan Tai village on the Island Of Madness.
So … again … meetings were held with the local village chief (Phu Yai Baan) of Baan Nuea village, local village people and the Evil Shiva Moon Party Family. In a final manner agreements were set and the Evil Shiva Moon Party Family received a final ultimatum of 2 months to pull out of Baan Tai village and look for another party place far away from any residential area.

Word on the street is that the Evil Shiva Moon Party Empire is already in the process of finding a new party zone and soon they are forced to leave Baan Tai village.
The ultimatum ends beginning of April 2009 and if that isn’t supposed to be really good news then we don’t know what else to report 😉
Additional Phangan Island rumors further reconfirmed that also the Black Moon Culture at Mac Bay’s Resort on Baan Tai beach is currently in the process of finding a new party zone up in the mountains; after massive complaints from the local village community and also neighboring Ban Tai beach resorts expressing displeasure about the loud all night long techno noise disturbance and the resulting leaving customers at the bungalow resorts on Baan Tai beach.
Koh Phangan Island New Headquarters will keep you updated and thanks again for the positive feedback from the Koh Phangan community!
Join us in becoming human again! Spread the word and help make Koh Phangan a better place!
Thanks …
Both thumbs up for your endless support in this matter becki. Congrats to all having finally beat the corrupt system.
Good news indeed… That is making my Sunday even more sunny!
I only believe it after it really happened! But I hope it will finally succeed!
it will never happen..!!! they only move it 50m, into a lower part of the place. (less noie.;!?!) went for a look this morning!
HHmmmmm…., leets see….
Becki will leet us know soon…!!
the storey not finished……
How to say?
On one side i am happy for you guys that you took victory against “Shivamoon Family”, and probably “Blackmoon Culture”.
On the other side i don’t agree with your policy to fight onlly 20% of the mess in Bantai. What about ‘Halfmoon (so called) Festival”, what about “Jungle Experience”, “Dark Moon …”, something new, popped up at “Chai high” at the Thong Nai Pan Rd last week, … all of this annoyances give us sleepless nights. But you are probably as selfish as party organizers and police as well: – we can sleep now, we don’t care for the other people after they’ve moved.
It’s not only one event that has to be moved, it’s all of them in AND “AROUND” Bantai. Just move all that shit AROUND in the valley is N O T a solution. There is people living everywhere in bantai-valley, if they move a little bit further, you just move that terror to other villagers who can not sleep anymore. P L E A S E , and i really mean it, move them ALL to Haadrin, or to the Police/ District office in Thongsala, or best of all:
Close them all down!!!
Well … who are you my dear friend? Really strong words … being as selfish as the party organizers and police?
So .. this brings me straight to the point!
What have you personally done so far to improve this techno party terror situation in and around Ban Tai village? Did you do anything at all or are you just waiting for someone doing the nasty work for you?
As far as I know some people from Baan Nuea village are so far the only ones doing something about this situation. Of course, we concentrate only at Shiva Moon Party as they are directly in our village. We also don’t like all the other noise around Ban Tai village but do you expect us to do the work for you while you sit back and do nothing?
I would recommend that you start participating and do something about the noise disturbance too. Get active! Collect signatures! Write letters to Bangkok and Suratthani and help activate more and more people!
Just writing comments at a website is indeed not enough! Don’t expect others to do the work for you! GET ACTIVE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! this is the only solution!
We here in Baan Nuea can and only will fight the Evil Shiva Moon Party Family as it concerns us most. Half Moon, Jungle Experience & Black Moon are far away and we don’t hear that much noise and are able to sleep.
We can not do ALL the work for you guys out there. Do you understand this? If you don’t like the Half Moon Festival then get active and do something about it!
PLEASE in big capital letters is not enough! Join us … activate the people around you and all together we can make a difference.
Does this make sense to you?
p.s. Black Moon Culture has nothing to do with us. Neighboring Bungalow Resorts started complaining so they now look for a party place elsewhere.
p.s.s. Even the Evil Shiva Moon Party Family situation is not a 100% won yet! They just moved their party place a bit down in the valley and it might for sure need some more effort to finally kick them out of Baan Tai / Baan Nuea village. We will keep you updated!
Again … don’t wait for others to do the job for you. GET ACTIVE AND START DOING SOMETHING!
not stopping .. just moving … maybe to a village near you… oh dear oh dear oh dear.
i dont see why they dont have it back at the waterfall like they did years ag, out of site and out of mind. this proves people power does work on the island and not a load of king sheets!!
Black Moon Culture tried that a few years ago but visitor numbers dropped drastically and additional the party area was not that safe as lots and lots of drunken people fell off the waterfall rocks while dancing with the vodka red bull buckets in their hands 😉
so … let’s say … because of tourist safety reason it was brought back to Mac’s Bay Resort at Ban Tai beach.
hey becki, are you still alive……? i heard your hiding in the jungle somewere..??!!
i can undertand him todaly.! he’s fighting against the ‘technowarzone mafia’ !! maybe better and safer for him to move somewere else..?? RUN BECKI RUN…>>>
shame on you becki satwah is not the organiser and to post a post in his name is stupid
i know for sure that alex did not write this because the tone of the message is nothing like him
big question: who is fake here?
Maybe Becki should get a girlfriend or even a boyfriend then he would have something to do with his sad lonely existence of an empty life of misdirected hate and frustration.
He gets both girlfriend and boyfriend , he is a happy guy who doesn’t have sad lonely existence of an empty of misdirected hate and frustration.
Thank you for your worrying. Very kind of you.
I don’t know why people make a big fuzz out of it. The parties just have to close at 2am, not close for good. Therefore they still have 7 hours in the dark if they start 7pm. That is still a long time for a good party. Of course, it will take some transition time for the people to get use to it, but c’mon it is like the rest of the Thailand (world!?) and people still go to parties, it is not end of the parties. People go to those parties are here for holidays, they are at liberty to join the parties earlier.
I dont understand why you are all complaining about parties?! Why did you go to Koh Pangan if you dont like parties? Its a party Island like Ibiza. Would you go to Ibiza and whinge that its too loud and there’s too many parties? wtf!
I went to half moon party last year and it was awesome met cool people and no problems.
Why dont you move somewhere quiet? Maybe then u’d complain about something else..
This is a moment in Koh Phangan history that is easily forgotten by those moving in and out of Baan Tai. Well done documenting this conflict. Email if you want to work on SEO together.