Cobra Snake discovered in Chaloklum Koh Phangan Island
Last Tuesday morning we were sitting on our veranda drinking tea and enjoying the spectacular view when our seven dogs discovered a 2 meter cobra lurking near where we were sitting. The dogs surrounded the cobra and hassled it and attacked it by biting the tail end initially and flicking it vigorously (not a time to be standing too close … otherwise you end up with a cobra neck scarf!)
When the dogs had disabled it somewhat, Andrew took the 7 foot solid bamboo pole, we keep especially for these occasions, and bashed the snake a few times and the dogs finished it off.
It was an amazing spectacle to witness, although completely deadly and dangerous. We have a German friend staying at the moment, Uwe, and he took the pictures with his Olympus Digital camera with 8x optical zoom. I am sending a few examples and hope everyone enjoys seeing them. We live at the bottom of the mountain outside Chaloklum and we had seven cobras near the house last year … all discovered by the dogs. This year only two … so far! AMAZING THAILAND!
Please check out the picture gallery Cobra Snake Chaloklum Koh Phangan Island

Sorry folks! Have to update the Cobra figures for this year as being 3 now…another one Tuesday 24th Feb, exactly three weeks after the last one to the day and in the same location too!!! The outcome was the same too! Sorry no good pictures…Uwe has gone back home now.
I am dismayed that you kill the cobras. One day there will be none left and that indeed will be sad! I am afraid of being bitten as well… but I think that it is still a “crime against Nature” to kill them. I travel all over the world and accept this risk as part of “ecological” traveling. Please, don’t kill them…
You should not kill wild animals, a corba will not attack you unless it is threatened. Please leave them alone.
OKAY. Fair enough the Cobra may become an endangered species. But so too could those poor folk whose house its next too.
I think I recognise these guys and there not travellers who have no knowledge or respect for their surroundings, their residents and like their Thai counterparts are dealing with a snake near their home as any half scared human would do.
And I bet someone had a fine lunch too!
Yeah!!! They are lovely animal … who manage the pachamama maya