Crime rate increases on Koh Phangan Island – Burglars & Robbers are watching you!
This bearded – a bit disappointed looking human – on the picture to the left is my good friend Tom from Strinz Trinitatis in Germany. He comes to Koh Phangan every year for a couple of months and usually stays in Darin Bungalow at the west coast and enjoys island life.
But this morning he looks a bit hopeless because he got robbed the second time in the last 2 weeks while sleeping in his bungalow at night with open doors and windows just because it’s far too hot at the moment to keep the doors shut. And as we can see Tom’s pocket is empty now and the lucky thief got a Canon digital camera 3 mega pixels and 2.000 Thai Baht on his first run. Then a couple of nights later he decided that he forgot to take that box of Indonesian Kretek filters and came again at night to close the deal!
All this happened while Tom was sleeping and the rucksack with the digital camera and the trousers with the money were placed just next to the bed. Actually a bit unbelievable that a thief comes into your bungalow and robs you while sleeping but it looks like that there are some cheeky thieves around – so be well prepared 😉
Especially the west coast around the Wok Tum area recently got a bit famous on the island for missing stuff in the bungalow, handbag motorbike thieves and even robbery in the night while driving back home with your motorbike from one of the mountain bars in that area. Sounds a bit hard but that’s what i heard on the streets.

However, over the past few years there has always been stolen stuff from time to time – especially in low season when there are no ATM farangs around. But the last couple of months the situation here seems to get worse. Tourist are being watched while using the ATM in front of the bank and later on somebody grabs your bag with all the money in 🙁 and i heard this happened more than once!
So … prepare yourself! Don’t carry any values around in the basket on your motorbike. Keep the doors and windows shut in the night – you never know who might come and give you a visit while you’re in dream land 😉 all this sounds a bit paranoid but things on Koh Phangan Paradise Island also seem to change … aehm … reliable sources are telling that there was even a gun shooting at the last Full Moon Party on Haadrin beach April 2004. 3 young Thais got killed that night in the gun shooting. If that doesn’t tell us anything, isn’t it?!?!
You’ve been informed!
maybe he shot not smoke to much ganja befor he got to bed………….
It look like someone stole his razor a long time ago…
Asholes got robbed everywhere!!!!!!!!!
True is, that these things happens everywhere and to say it is in one part of the island,is puttig people in danger (ALSO THE WEBMASTER). So rethink your ***** articles here on this bullshit site!
Yes, it is true that crime happens everywhere, and it is also true that the Wok Tum area has had more petty crimes lately than anywhere else here on Koh Phangan. The locals and the police are well aware of this. Everyone has been talking about it….so what’s the problem with posting an article letting people know this? This web site is here to HELP people. It is most definitely NOT a “bullshit” site. The recent posting by “anonymous” denouncing the articles and this web site is the REAL bullshit. Pull your head out of your ass mr. anonymous……
Unfortunately, Koh Phangan hosts the most unfriendly and RACISTS Thais of the country.
DON’T COME HERE::Keep your money for better people !!!
very right let these phangan rats face their Bloody CARMA…..we haven’t forgotten the hundreds of slaughtered Vietnamese refugees in the 80s ..the endless list..the souls of the involuntarily killed on the islands (specially Koh phangan and koh tao)never have these murdering barbarians ever been taken to account for all these atrocities and their own kids would watch or eventually hear of what happened and in which way family members actually have been terri…….what else can happen to such a society??? they never cleaned up they just kept degenerating …… a fancy way…….