Happy New Year – Songkran Festival Thongsala 2007 on the Island of Koh Phangan
First of all a happy, lovely & totally wicked Sawadee Pee Mai to all Koh Phangan lovers out there.
April 13.th 2007 is indeed an extraordinary special day on Koh Pha-Ngan Island, the hidden jewel, in the Gulf of Thailand. So … it was time again for another celebration of the world famous Songkran Festival here on Koh Phangan Paradise Island. And also in the year 2007 lots and lots of people from all over the world finally found their way to Koh Pha-Ngan, the island of madness, to participate in a day filled with fun, smiles, tons of liquid and some usual surprises.
Though it was raining a lot that day the streets in downtown Thongsala were packed again with hundreds of bizarre life forms to celebrate the beginning of a New Year in the Thai culture. The Songkran Festival Party normally starts nice & smoothly late morning and reaches its peak around noon and then tends to create its own insanity, which perfectly fits in with the demented surroundings the island of madness, called Koh Phangan, has to offer.
Once the Songkran Festival reaches its state of insanity and disaster you can expect to discover flying Singha beer bottles or occasionally some knifes, which, by the way, seems to be quite popular on Koh Phangan Island at the moment.
Please check out the Picture Gallery => Koh Phangan Songkran Festival 2007
Then take a couple of young local Thai teenagers and provide them with constant and easy access to those marvelous liquids, the native Indians used to call fire water, and within a couple of hours you can expect to see some real street fights with at least a few drops of blood … I guarantee!
Then finally the local police cops will introduce themselves and do whatever they have to do. In the past this normally happened late afternoon around 4-6 p.m. but this year we got lucky and could enjoy the show around 3 p.m. already. Isn’t that awesome?

Conclusion: What first started as a tiny, nice & lovely Songkran Festival here on Koh Phangan, has, over the last couple of years, developed into a mass gathering of bizarre life forms who desperately need to celebrate the let’s get fucking wasted mentality.
So … Happy Songkran Festival 🙂
did you hear about the thai on thai shootings at the festival..I passed the funeral the next day 🙁