The Jam Bar – Live Music at Hin Kong Beach on the Island of Koh Phangan
Welcome back to Koh Phangan Island News, the most negative 😉 and most controversial web site reporting the awful truth about the Island Of Madness, formerly also known as Koh Phangan Paradise Island.
Finally, after a few light years have been passed by, our team of non-corrupted douche bags at Koh Phangan Island News Headquarters managed to check out the most recent hype on Koh Phangan Island.
The Jam Bar – Live Music on the Beach!
The Jam is located directly at the beach along the west coast of Koh Phangan Island in the Hin Kong area, between Wok Tum and Srithanu, just after the bridge. You won’t be able to miss it as there are tons and tons of motorbikes parked next to the road and some red lights & signs try to grab your attention.
The Jam became quite famous here on Koh Phangan Island and has developed over the last few months into a meeting point for musicians from all other the world. The Jam offers a full stage setup with drum kit, electric guitar, bass, synthesizer, bongos and open mics. Everyone is welcome to perform at the live jam sessions on their open stage and please feel free to bring your own instruments and do not hesitate and join this awesome live music event.
Live music jam session at The Jam take place every Saturday starting early evening until late!
Actually our retarded team was indeed quite impressed by the mellow and laid back atmosphere at The Jam Bar. It really felt like some time travel back to the good old days here on Koh Phangan and it was a pleasant and welcome alternative to the usual techno war battlefields.
The musicians that night were really doing great playing some classics covers like Honky Tonk Woman, Knocking on Heavens Door & I Shot the Sheriff from Bob Marley plus many more!

Again, the atmosphere at The Jam felt really great, relaxed and peaceful! You could enjoy drinking your beer and listening to some nice hand made tunes.
The Jam totally deserves a two thumbs up and if you like human made live music then you really shouldn’t miss this live music event while spending your vacation on Koh Phangan Paradise Island.
If you need more details and updates about The Jam then you should bookmark the following link in your browser – thanks!
Year dude.
You are on and on about loud partys in and around your home, what about us living near this shit, mabey you were lucke and somebody coud play that night but many nights we have to listen to asshouls tyring in there drunk condition to play something sound like mucik.
Stop the noise, pleas.
Hi dude … i totally understand your concern with loud music next to the place where you live. Again … before start posting such comments and blame everything on Koh Phangan Island News I would recommend that you get active and start doing something constructive to improve the situation at your place.
moaning at a public web site might not be enough! Get active, organize and do something about it …
hope that helps …
dear becki, why did you remove your party-ban artichels. whats for? leet us know whats going on!! thanks.
well … the usual threats and stuff. will keep you guys updated as soon as i can 😉
The big difference between the noise from the jam and the other parties is that the jam ends at 2:00. Also the volume is much lower. Robert who runs the jam has spoken with his neighbors and they are all okay! If you have concerns drop by and talk with he’s a nice guy that is very respectful of others. As for people smoking dope? Yes it happens and Robert often asks that folks not do it on the jam site. Glyn
Dear phangan island news users…
i do the sound at the jam and we realy try to keep the noise under control there. glyn is right, that we shut down the big PA system at 2 o´clock and there will be no more drums or loud amps runing after 2 o´clock.
everybody who have got a problem with the noise is welcome to drop by and talk to us, so we can find a way together.
the focus on the jam was from the begining on the open mic concept, so everybody can come and make music with us. this was realy needed on this island and our success shows that we are right.
it is also fact, that the jam is a great thing for the west-coast area as an alternative to the crazy electronic partys down in hadrin.
it is not possible to stop all partys around the island. just remember your old times, when you was young, so did you not party through the night? to party, to make music and dance is essential for human beings and we never had bad experience with fighting people. the customers of the jam coming from each age and from all directions. we have young freaks, yoga dancers, rockers, blues and jazz friends, just normal tourists and many residents.
the residents are loving this jamin idea a lot, because most of them are missing the real live music from back home. now we gave the crowd what the need and all are happy about that.
we are also planing now to move the main stage in that way, that the sound system will face towards the see, so the noise will be in the future less and this shows, that we care about our neighbours and the people in the bungalows.
we have many people coming to the jam from the resorts around our bar and all of them are telling us a simular story. this is an great idea and if we would have to stop it, because some individuals can not handle some real handmade music, it would be a shame for the whole island. – i mean, the fullmoon goes on and on, more and more partys growed up in the last years and these partys are scary sometimes, when you see this drunken and doped crowd.
ps. we spoke to some people in hinkong and many of them dont hear the music at all. on this point i want to remind on the noises made by the electric wires along the road, the fast driving bikes and cars, barking dogs and the daly anounces by muai thai boxing vehicles… – “Tonight – Tonight – Tongsala….”
…this is real bad noise and some handmade music should not be the problem ones a week.
You think the bars/parties are bad – try living near the main school in Baan Tai – every morning at 0800am they play some stupid Thai song for 5 minutues so loud that the speakers distort and vibrate waking evryone in the surrounding area and then we have to listen to a series of speaches by some Thai school teacher every morning ! You talk about noise abuse – this is where it starts 0800am every morning to school kids!! Now you wonder why Thai people on this island accept such things … they are brainwashed with it from their first years at school!! And be aware this is only on Koh Phangan – my girlfriend is from a town near Bangkok and she said she has never heard such a thing and she is also annoyed by this every morning.
Koh Phangan School boss you should be ashamed of yourself disturbing local people.
Go complaining about those “stupid song” (sic), it’s the national anthem! You have better chance to offer them a descent sound system, let’s say, for Songkran…
better they buy their own fucking sound system with a reduced volume as Im sure the thai locals dont want to hear their NA at 8am in the morning- Im from Aus and I wouldnt want to hear our fucking NA either – they dont need to play it that loud …national anthem or not. Fucking ridiculous. Brainwashing starts here on Koh Phangan at 8am.
Actually, school holidays are coming soon. So then, you will have peace of mind for the next 6/7 weeks or so. And maybe some times for a little sabotage?!? Just kidding… but back home, would you choice living next to a school? I would certainly not.
the good news is the new 2am curfew across the island. This includes hadrin and many of the parties! No more noise after 2am unless a late licence has been approved. Full moon and one half moon and one back moon are allowed to play until 6am only ONCE in the month – the rest of the time they must close at 2am.
Hadrin beach now closes at 2am BUT Drop In RESORT now has parties going into the early morning …. as the must have a ‘special’ arrangement …. ;-(
At last it looks like the Thai locals have put enough pressure on Surat Thani Governor to do this!!! Great news for everyone!
well … sorry to burst your bubble of island illusions again 😉
shiva moon until 6am – half moon festival until 7am – jungle experience until 8am just this morning!
so the 2 am closing time is actually not true and far away from reality! soon we will have another jungle experience 3 days after full moon party and then a bit later another half moon festival.
the agreement was once per month until 6am but very soon the party island will be back to its recent mad state.
so … NOT great news for everyone … i will keep you dis-informed 😉
I have come to the realisation that posting issues about Koh Phangan both on this site and other sites is pretty much a waste of time and energy as so many repsonses are from typical ‘dead heads’ who really do not give a shit about the island or its people – they are purely selfish and here so their own selfish pleasures. If you mention anything about parties, corruption, police etc the only thing you get response postings on is normally opposite of opinion. I shall therefore cease to post on these sites as my energy is far too low. The question should be asked ‘who are we fighting for?’
I see that Becki has not posted any new articles for some time and has removed the parties sections so one can only assume he feels similar and has had some intimidation towards him for some of the articles.
Well Becki, maybe time to stop for us all. Maybe better to sit back and let the assholes destroy the island because now after years of postings I feel its a losing battle….. Becki you have reached ‘custers last stand’ … too many battles for a war not worth fighting for….. but well done for fighting.